
Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Thing for Chairs

I have a thing for chairs, especially for the little side ones that you always need more of when you have a party.  Most people do not have 40 chairs like I do.  I can not help it, with a little love, some white paint and poof you have a lovely chair.  The ones by the side of the road, they make wonderful planters and look just cute painted white and in my garden waiting for a child in need of a rest.  I have a few that have seen many different colors but they are starting to change over to the white. 

Here are two, the white one is one of a pair I have in my living room and the zebra chair is in my office for my children to sit next to me and play a game.


  1. Love the first chair! I too have a thing for them. Can not have enough.

    Thanks for stopping by my is fun. I can't wait to explore your goodies.

    peace Lori

  2. This is a test to see if the comment goes to my email. ME

  3. I love the first chair! I have just recently figured out that i love chairs too! I just refinished some and they sold before i even completed them (i was actually hoping they wouldnt sell for a while so i could enjoy them but nope... they went to there new forever home). I am on the hunt for more chairs in need of some TLC, wish me luck!

  4. I'm in love with both of those chairs! You know what's weird? I have had your blog on my side bar for awhile but I just realized now I wasn't "offically" following you! (smacks self in forehead)

  5. That top arm chair is sensational!! Where did you find that gem?!?!?!



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