
Monday, April 19, 2010

Beautiful Mosaic Monday

 Even though Spring is upon us and the trees in the middle of the MOSAIC are in bloom now, I am including some of my favorite pictures in my gardens. Please join me and all the other MOSAIC MONDAY blogs here hosted by  Mary at The Little Red House.

I have put in flagstone walk ways that go from the front of the house through to the back yard and to other gardens.  Each of my gardens has a path for my children.  I have tried to teach them to respect my plants while they are bee, butterfly, toad, bug, or worm hunting.

A place to take a seat and watch the humming birds wiz by.
Or to simply to stop and take time to smell the roses.

Thank you for stopping to visit my garden.


  1. I love your flagstone paths! I'm thinking of trying my hand at putting in a small patio this summer... It's a great looking material!


  2. I really enjoyed your garden tour!

  3. I have officially lost count of how many times I have called you 'amazing' are an inspiration and your blog is priceless to me.
    PS) I think my link was broken on the original post...try the one I have up now I bet your blog 'worth' goes UP, Up, UP!

  4. These are beautiful colours put together and so romatic. These are all the colours that my containers at the house are going to be planted in for a summer bedding scheme.

  5. I just found your blog through my friend Melissa Cranberry Cottage. It is very beautiful...I'm a follower!
    Pamela from French Buttons

  6. Every garden must have a white picket fence. I adore your garden and the mosaic as well. Happy Spring!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  7. Thanks for coming by my blog for a visit and for feeding my fish! You are so funny!! Maybe I should move them away from the cats.
    I used to live right across the border from you!! (Fort Erie)
    Small world.
    Your house is gorgerous by the way!

  8. Your garden is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


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