
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mmmmm, And What Shall I Do With These?

I want to thank everyone who stopped by to look at My Little White Shed, just so you know I have already started getting some of the furniture out and it looks like I am having a yard WHITE sale in my back yard.  I will have to wait for Mr. M. to get home from work to help with the really heavy stuff.  The only problem is I know he is going to say WHY are you doing this and NO it does not need to be painted.  Silly man, he knows I will paint, WITH or WITHOUT his help, so it is easier to just HELP me.

I am at the moment supposed to be shopping for crayons and craft paint for a homework project for the kids, but I got distracted at Wit Behind The Ears, that sent me on a youtube tangent and HERE I am still sitting at the computer, thank goodness I already had my post saved, I just had to take the pictures and polish up the writing, (meaning check for spelling errors, because I am a bad horrible speller). 

So here is what I wrote yesterday for today.

Tuesday, I had the honor of getting my TAXES done. UHH I enjoy doing the work for that as much as I like to getting teeth pulled, as you can see I did wait until atmos the last possible day.  The day ended well though, tax refund, but the day got even better.    I had to insert this, did you notice, I am more excited about the FREE furniture than a tax refund, crazy.     My dad and his wife only live 5 minutes from the tax man, so I thought I would stop by and visit.  Just my luck, his wife knows I like to paint furniture, the darling, garbage picked and found me a dresser.  And we went in the storage barn and she had a dresser to give me.  So now I have two free painting projects.  That is a good thing because I am kind of dreading repainting all the trim in the house.

You may notice that the pictures are of the furniture by the garbage, don't worry, Mr. M. will not throw them out, he knows better, he did that once and now he KNOWS better.  I still bring up the subject once in while to remind him.  Now he just nods his head and asks when I will move them so he can park his TRACTOR in the garage again.  Of course I try to keep him and the TRACTOR happy because, A I love the guy, and B the TRACTOR is the main reason I have the beautiful gardens.  I will give a plug out to Mr. M. because now the kids can say "MOM put your tractor on her BLOG".   Have a nice day ladies.  Hey Blossom, I spell checked and ATMOS is setting it off.  Have we driven them crazy yet?


  1. ALAINA!!!!

    First off: What shall you do with those??? Chant it with me people...

    Secondly: I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT YOUR GARDEN!!!! I am in desperate need for some guidance in that area.

    Serious, desperate, need.

    Ya know, I haven't been back to check on my atmos stats in a while...I had links posted to you and Berries atmos blogs the day I deleted my post. I will have to get back on that!

    Fo shizzel.
    Yeah, spell check didn't like that one either, it preferred "For sizzle." Not quite the same thing.

  2. Just came back to drink in more of your lovely house. Because I'm sure I don't have anything else that I should be doing like ya know...getting dressed.

  3. Alaina, that tractor is is like 8 dressers in size dont you think. how old are they

    melissa or aka berries

  4. Blossom, are you still in your pjs? I just checked out the cottage child, singing as I type. She is fun, but I hope I don't scare her off about the duck thing.

    Berries, the tractor is just a little bit bigger than a large riding mower, it looks bigger because of the bucket. Good thing my husband doesn't read this, I know he would say it is bigger. You know how men are about size, Ha just cracked myself up.

    How old are they? You are talking about the dressers right? I would have to guess, vintage, hah that just about covers every age possible, I really don't know,40's maybe.

    I have to go check on the little one, he is sleeping in the car, don't worry, the car is in the garage and all the doors are open.

  5. Blossom, are you still in your pjs? I just checked out the cottage child, singing as I type. She is fun, but I hope I don't scare her off about the duck thing.

    Berries, the tractor is just a little bit bigger than a large riding mower, it looks bigger because of the bucket. Good thing my husband doesn't read this, I know he would say it is bigger. You know how men are about size, Ha just cracked myself up.

    How old are they? You are talking about the dressers right? I would have to guess, vintage, hah that just about covers every age possible, I really don't know,40's maybe.

    I have to go check on the little one, he is sleeping in the car, don't worry, the car is in the garage and all the doors are open.

  6. WOW Alaina, what a lucky girl you are!!!! And for free...what could be better than that?
    I love the two pieces. I was dreaming here with white, light grey...beautiful!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Li :-)

  7. Those 2 pieces will come up a treat with a lick of paint.
    My hubby keeps asking me when I'm going to get all my chairs finished so he can park his car in the garage,lol


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