
Saturday, April 17, 2010


Please join me in PINK SATURDAY at How Sweet The Sound
     I have been trying to figure out how to make a Mosaic for weeks, now I can chalk it up to done. I am going to use my first mosaic for PINK SATURDAY.
These are examples of some of the Pink china in the dinning room.

A hat that I love!

My Dinning room Fairy.


  1. Hi Alaina, I found you over at Ange's site. Isn't she sweet to link us over. Get ready for some great traffic, she pointed my way a week ago and it was great.
    I love the little pink and blue teacup (6th pic down) I'll be following...enjoy the weekend.

  2. I am in love I tell you! HOWEVER!!! I'm not sure if you need to leave Berries in your blog roll if she insist on publishing photos like that...It's really throwing of the shabby chic vibe you've got goin here.

    Know what I mean?

  3. My son woke me up early this morning, so I thought hey I will see what my favorite bloggers are doing. Boy did that photo pop out at me, but again, the funny is what drew me to you and Berries, so keep it comin.

  4. Love all that pink rosy china! Great mosaic. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Did you just make up another name for a day that I have to worry about?????? come on you did that on purpose next Saturday watch out it will be Silly Secret Saturday.....

  6. WHAT????????How did that picture get on the blog roll?????? I have no idea how that even got there....I am not that smart. last time I saw my name on a blog roll I had no picture?????????? I am so people are gonna think that I am REALLY REALLY WEIRD!!!!!!!!!Did you do that?

  7. oKAY OKAY my heart can stop racing....sheesh i got rid of the nasty....that was a killer, i had now idea the picture I posted went on someones blog

  8. Ok, I am not the ones making these days up, I am just the sheep following the herd. So does that mean you will disown me if I do the Mosaic Monday? Or Thrify Thursday, come on, I just want to belong.

    As for the picture, you probably had words first in your blog instead of a picture.

    I just looked, you do not have to delete it, it so did look like SNL. I was going to show my husband and give him a laugh. He thinks I just look at white stuff when I am on here.

  9. oh and daft that I am i noticed that you are not on my blog roll.....gotta do that later, I am like soooooo late. I really dont need to offend anyone on you think I did? omg when i read cotton balls post here I nearly had a massive heart attack.. i had no idea. but i dont know if i should like put it back....was cotton ball joking?? i take things quite literally sometimes.

  10. Don't worry about it, especially since I talk to you most days more than my sister.

    I don't think you offended anyone. I think Blossom is fine, she probably almost fell off her chair laughing. I know I did, and then I had to go back and look again, it was soo funny.

    Right now I am about to fix a stiff drink and cry into my fabric. Story in the blog. I hope everything is going well at the show.

  11. Oh Dingle,

    Er, I mean Berries...


    Of course I was teasing LEAVE IT! It's HIL-LARIOUS!
    I loved it...I'm a jokester, see?

    Cordially, Cotton Balls

    PS) Like you I take things literally and ALWAYS I'm afraid I've offended...I wouldn't hurt somebody for anything...I'm all about the smiles!

  12. Okay now that we have that formality out of the way...let the games begin!


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