
Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Dark Side

My week has been crazy as some of you may already know.  My dad had heart surgery this week, he is doing GREAT and will hopefully be coming home this weekend.  I also moved my shop home Friday as seen in the previous post Coming Home.  All of the contents are now piled in my side of the garage, and it looks like I am having a WHITE SALE.

Needless to say I have not had much time to blog or even thing much about a post.  Yesterday I was leaving a comment on Run Mother Run about a suggestion for her furniture dilemma, I said painting it black would make it look sharp.  I thought I would take you to THE DARK SIDE.

I am going to show you some of the pieces in my home that are black, yep I said BLACK, not WHITE, can you believe it?  A single piece of black furniture or item in a room can almost be like putting the period on a sentence, it just needs to be, at least for me it does.  Almost every room in my home has some kind of black in it.

I have always been drawn to small black pieces from stools to boxes and small furniture.  Even though I like the look of mostly white, I think the contrast of black and white to be very striking in a room.  The trick is to be careful and not over saturate a room with too much black and make it depressing or just too dark.

I have inherited several of my mother's cameras and black hats that I like to use in different areas of the house.

I have more of her black and white hats that I have shown in a previous post The Littlest Room. We can not forget about the black and white floor either.

In my dinning room I have a huge cabinet that I painted black a couple of years ago.  It was originally a dark burgundy so I really did not mind changing the color of such a large piece, in fact all I did was push it away from the wall and I painted it right in the room.  And if I don't like it I can always paint it AGAIN.

My office is one room that has several pieces of black in it.  A cabinet and a desk that; were actually white and I painted them black.  They can always go white again, it is only one paint job away if necessary.  At Christmas time my office even has it's own Christmas tree in all black and white with a vintage sheet music paper chain on it. 

My youngest son had his room originally in where I currently have my office and I did his room in all black and white, but he has since moved up to share a room with his older brother.  I mixed his black furniture with my other son's red and it really works well together.  In my opinion paint can sometimes bring out the details of furniture.

The final black piece is the dresser that we have in the third floor room.  This is one of the pieces I picked up off the side of the road and made my sister stay behind with my kids so I could quick take the piece home.  We were supposed to be going to the beach.  We were only a little late.  Now tell me wasn't it worth it?

There you have it, just when you thought I only used white, white, white.  I hope you liked my surprise.  Have a wonderful Memorial day weekend.


  1. Holy cow.. you did go to the dark side.. Still working on my creams and reds here.. and robins blue is coming soon.. I can feel it in my bones.

    SO loving that storage area.. getting ready for a sale?

    I'll be right over!

    with love,

  2. Nothing like a touch of black to add a little sophistication to a room. I think your home looks lovely with the black accent pieces.


  3. I think you're so right, a little black goes a long way. I can't believe you found that dresser on the road-side!

  4. Oh, love all your black painted pieces!

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Memorial Day!

  5. I'm so happy you shared the your dark side. I did think your whole house was mostly white! Gives me a new perspective...

  6. You are right Alaina, you can't go wrong with black. These pieces look wonderful!
    Have a wodnerful week,
    Li ~

  7. Hi Alaina!

    Thanks for the shout out! :-) I am going to paint the dresser black, today in fact. I went shopping yesterday for knobs, but could not find anything I loved in my price range. Anthropologie, why must you torment me with high prices?

    I will let you know when it is finished.

    P.S. I wish I could go shopping in your garage.

  8. I think we were separated at birth. : ) I am a twin so maybe you were the long lost triplet??? : ) Love the pics! I too have to have a little bit of black in all my rooms!
    Health and happiness,

  9. Got my cup of coffee and now I'm settling in for a good read.

    Love that black dresser. I cannot believe you found it on the side of the road! So jealous.



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