
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy 101 Blog Award!

My friend Pamela at French Buttons bestowed The Happy 101 Blog Award upon me.  I find that so sweet itself to be thought so much by another. Thank you.  Pamela has become one of the bloggers I have come to know and wish that she lived closer so we could spend time together.  Make sure you visit Pamela, she just moved and she has a beautiful house to put her special touch on.  I know I can't wait to see the changes she will be honoring us with in the next couple of months or so.

Now, I have to list 10 things that make me happy:

1.   My wonderful husband
2.   My three children
3.   My sisters
4.   My family
5.   My friends
6.   My new blogging friends
7.   Painting (mostly in White)  
8.   Gardening
9.   Decorating my home
10. Entertaining

I have learned as a new blogger how important it is to you when someone sends you a sincere kind compliment or words of encouragement. I posted a blog requesting help with my first slipcover I was trying to finish. I was so surprised with all the wonderful help and kind words of encouragement that I received.  I have only nice words to speak of those whom I have had the pleasure of coming in contact with while blogging.

To follow tradition I have to pass this award on to other bloggers:

Dawn at Cottage State of Mind
Anna at Wit Behind the Ears
Kolein at Kitchen Table Productions
Angie at Thread Needle Studio
Crystal at Crystal's Cottage
Ange at Chair Up

Although Pamela from French Buttons has already included Melissa at Cranberry Cottage in her choice for the award, I would like to let her know that she would be my choice too. 

These women have show what it takes to be a friend.  Thank you.  Alaina


  1. I don't get the game because I dont have 101 and Pamela nominated me, but I don't know what to do....thank you both.

  2. Fun! My first award! Should I put it on the mantel? ;)

  3. Thanks for passing this award on to me Alaina, very kind of you. Judging by your "happy list"you are a very relational person and that is reflected in your blog too.
    Have a great day.

  4. Thanks, this is my first award!!! I so enjoy following your blog. I get so excited when I see you leave me a comment....keep 'em! Thanks so much!!

  5. Alaina, thank you for including me in this award!

    I would choose you right back. Your comments on my blog are always so caring, uplifting and encouraging.

    I'm always so pleased after you've stopped by!

    Thinking about you today,

  6. Awe, thank you so much. You said everything so eloquently and pretty much summed up why so many of us love blogging so much ~ the friendships!
    I'll be back to read your Mother's Day post. I have to got bed, hubby's alarm goes off in 5 hours. Why do I do this to myself? It's an addiction, I'm sure.


I enjoy each and every comment you leave. Thanks for stopping by.