
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I Talk to Much

A blogger friend notified us recently that she had hit her 100 posting and how were we going to celebrate.  I just happened to notice today that damn I already posted over 100, missed that milestone.  I guess I will have to celebrate 200.  OK, another important fact I recently discovered, I am only turning 42, all year I have been telling everyone I am 42, oops so I aged myself by a year.  As you can see I am not worried about my age or the number that represents it.

 Oh and in case anyone wanted to know my birthday is coming up. 

There was a joke I used to play with my mom (who is no longer here).  On May first, I would start reminding her how many days until my birthday, and I would get the same response "I know Alaina."  You see the funny thing on my part, not hers, I would do this everyday until the actual day of my birthday.  The best is when my birthday would fall on Mother's Day, oh how I would remind her what a wonderful gift she has of me as a daughter.  I also would ask her so what did you get me each day.  Yep, I was and can be annoying.  I try to save it for my family members, they really can't ignore me, well not forever.  Thanksgiving and Christmas are at my house.  If my sisters read this, I know I am annoying but hey it is fun. Chairs and tables that's all I got to say. 

That's all for today, Spring is here, the weeds and flowers are calling to me.  Time to get dirty, everyone have a great day.
Only 10 more days till my BIRTHDAY!


  1. Like you would ever let us forget your birthday. lol

  2. Well well well, look who finally decided to leave a comment. Does this mean you are blogging too?

  3. I suspected you were a trouble maker!Happy upcoming birthday!

  4. Nope I just leaving a commemt. I could leave one about you talking too much but that would be the pot calling the kettle black. lol

  5. 100 posts, are you kidding. Did you get in trouble at school for talking.....I sure did. Dont stop talking on here because some of us like listening..I cannot wait to see your gardens this summer.

  6. I love your posts your so funny and it's always a pleasure for me to visit you. Too bad you don't live closer!
    My husbands birthday is the day after yours!

  7. Well, happy (almost) birthday! Is at least one of your children just like you? to give it back?! LOL
    have a great day.


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