
Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Kids Room

Welcome to my Link to Show and Tell Friday  at My Romantic Home. 

 I thought I would introduce you to a special room at our house that is JUST FOR THE KIDS.  When we were remodeling our basement I wanted to have a special room where the kids could go to play by themselves and not have to worry if they were making a mess or if parents would tell them what to do or play with.  I wanted them to have a special place to just be KIDS.

You see this little door, it is only 4' high, perfect for a child, not so much for an adult. 

What do you think we may find?  First lets peak in the window and see what is going on. 
Would you like to look inside?


Come on I know you want to!

Would you expect to find bugs on the walls?


How about a place to draw on the wall?

Play with lots of fun toys?

Use your imagination and order lunch to go? 

Thank you for coming to visit MY KIDS ROOM!
But now you must go

and visit all the other Show and Tell bloggers. 
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. WOW, that room is amazing!! My girls would love a room like that and that door is just too sweet!!~ Tina x

  2. Very cute, I would love to do something like this in my garage....if i can get it cleaned up.

  3. What a great space! The colors and bugs are wonderful and that tiny door. How special!

  4. Oh the cuteness of it!!! I would have loved that when I was little but I don't think I would have allowed my brother in. I love the tiny window!

  5. what a neat place. I like the window and the door. could you imagine being given that when we were kids???

  6. Can I play here?

    I just passed an award to you...check out my blog!

  7. Hi Awal!!! this little gorgeous room is amazing!!! I just wish I had one for my daughter!!!

    Have a great week end!!!

  8. what a darling room! they must love it! the little door is so sweet! happy mother's day! thank you for visiting my blog! susan


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