
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Anything To Get Home My WHITES!

I had a wonderful time visiting my girlfriend Sara in PA. 

As much fun as I did have, it was a long drive and I am very happy to be home with my family. 
 I missed them!

I missed all of you too.  I have to be honest, I did sneak on my hostess's computer a few times to take a peak at a few blogs.  I was good though and only was on the computer for a few minutes at a time.  I had the biggest surprise.  I saw the welcome sign from my shed on someone else's blog:  wait, what is that, I hit the brakes on my scrolling and went to check it out.  Low and behold it was MY SHED, the one that thinks it's a COTTAGE, and it was featured on Remodel Aholic.  I couldn't believe it and I was so honored that Cassity would pick my blog post.  If you are not already a follower you should check out some of her new posts here, she has new features almost every day and sometimes more than one.

I don't know if you heard any yelling over the weekend.  It was ME, oh boy, how could I not be, there was an EXTRAVAGANZA going on in ALL of the antique shops and we visited FOUR flea markets. 

OMGosh, you are NOT going to believe all the treasures  I  we found.  There was a lot of HAPPY DANCING going on and we did get some weird looks.  We didn't care we giggled all the way to the car.  Three, yes 3, van loads we had to unload.  Have you ever gone to a flea market and wondered if you should pay the vendor extra because maybe they didn't understand what a great deal they just gave you?  One of the first pieces I bought is the one that caused the most stress. 
 I was so loving the piece of furniture I did not care how I got it home. 

WELL, I almost had to use one of these:

But, thank goodness I only had to use these:

I learned to ALWAYS bring this when shopping for treasures:

Thank goodness I was able to remove the trim, yes there was some demolition, but don't worry I can put it all back together like it never happened.

I bet you are patiently waiting to see what it is I actually bought aren't you.  Hahahahaha, evil laugh, I was going to make you wait till Friday for Show and Tell Friday but I will give a sneak peak for White Wednesday with Kathleen from Faded Charm.

Isn't this cabinet beautiful! 
 Yep, I had to remove all the trim, top, middle and bottom. 
 The important thing is I got it home. 


See my poor cabinet?  It is ok, I will put it all back together tomorrow.

I picked up a potty seat for my gardens-interesting seat to have in the garden huh. A few smalls, white pitcher, couple of white plates and two white butter dishes. 


Can you guess what they are?  A clue, we used them in Biology class?
 Did you guess petri dishes or plates.
  You would not believe how much Science/Biology glass and materials we saw at the flea markets.
I am not going to tell you what I have planned for them you will just have to wait for that.

 Oh and LOOK at that grain sack. I am planing on using it for a chair I picked up too. 

Where is the chair you ask? 
Ha, you will have to come back for Show and Tell Friday. 
This is only one load, there are two more to show.

I hope you had a laugh, I know we did trying to get all of my stuff loaded into the van.

Thanks for visiting, make sure you stop back over by Faded Charm and check out all the other great WHITES.


  1. That cabinet is gorgeous! Congratulations.


  2. Hey Girl, sounds like you had a crazy wonderful trip! And oh wow, I just adore your new cabinet. I would have taken it down to a hundred pieces to get it home, great job! Have fun putting it all back together.
    I wanted to tell you that on my next post. Probably tomorrow, that I'm finally doing the "6th Photo" piece. You'll see why it's taken so long to do it, and I will be linking back to you and showing a couple of your shed photos, just wanted to let you know. I just love coming over here and seeing what kind of fun and creativity you're up to!!

  3. OK Alaina...I'm totally jealous of all your white treasures (drooling)!! That cabinet is gorgeous!! Love the potty seat for the garden, too...very cute!
    Happy WW!
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  4. I love all the whites you found! Especially that wonderful cabinet. I'd have done anything, too, to get it home! ::Jill

  5. How fun! So many flea little time! That's my kind of day!
    Good for you packing it all in. The furniture that is. And the multiple flea markets! I love, love that cabinet!

  6. What a fabulous cupboard! I adore it! What a great find! Thank goodness you're a handy kinda gal so you could fit it in your van. Cannot wait to see what else you found!

  7. All I can say is "Wow!" Actually I am speechless. I found your blog through White Wednesday and your flea market finds have me swooning. Your style and look is what I strive for! I will definitely be following and checking back for some inspiration. I can't wait to see how the chair looks on Friday!


  8. Great finds! What fun to put it all together with new projects!


  9. Great cabinet Alaina...I wouldn't have been able to leave it behind either. But it's the potty chair that I'm really crushin' on. LOVE IT!!!

  10. Wow, U R good! I would take a tape measure but never think to take tools to take things apart to transport them home! I need to get pen and start taking notes...

  11. Dawn, I didn't have the tools, thank goodness my hostess husband did.

  12. The cabinet looks great!!! No one will be able to tell to massive undertaking/dismantling to get it in your van :) Great times...ELVIRA

  13. That cabinet is gorgerous you lucky girl! How did you fit it in your vehicle?
    I love your posts Alaina!
    Pamela xo

    So your not a tub girl?

  14. Alaina,

    You lucky girl! You scored bigtime. You always do. Thomas said he is going to have the words "Don't worry, it will fit. If not we'll make it fit." on my headstone!

    Congrats on being featured! I am surprised your home hasn't graced the pages of a magazine yet. It's so worthy!

    Your Friend,

  15. WoW! You got some great stuff. I love the cabinet, the petri dishes? and the especially the white dishes. Looking forward to seeing what else you got!
    Hugs, Cindy S

  16. If you ever get tired of that cabinet let me know! How fun to find treasures when traveling! I love whites, too!

  17. OHHHHHHHHHH, love it ALL! Way to go!


  18. I cannot believe you got that cabinet in your van!!! You are a woman on a mission!!! Love it!


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