
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Flea Market Booty

My sister and I went to a Flea Market over the Holiday weekend and I plundered a booty for sure.  There are always garage sales on the way to the Flea Market so we did a few slow down and drive byes but there were quite a few that just had too much laying on the yards we HAD to stop.  It was at these garage sales that I found my biggest bargains.  My first acquisition was an old mirror and pedestal.  Then a little bit farther on I scored a table and two white platters, one large and crackled and crazed and one small white one.  A few more miles down and I found an awesome bed that only needs a little WHITE paint and some repairs and it will be perfect for the shed. 

We finally made it to the Flea Market and boy was it HOT, upper 80's but that did not stop us, we were on a hunt for bargains and find them we did.  Ok, I am not going to tell prices, I hate to have anyone faint or see grown women cry but let's just say they were the steal of the day.  I was able to get my hands on 19 burlap sacks. 

AHHH, I could have just peed myself I was so excited, of course I could not let the vendor see me with any emotion.  And boy was he wishing he had had higher prices when I bought all but two of them.

Walk away Run, well I would have if they had not weighed a ton.  The last bargain was a bunch of linens, one pillowcase with crocheted edge and a monogrammed table runner.  I was so happy with the day.  Of course we had to carry our heavy bags back to the car, but I was walking on clouds just thinking of all the projects I can do with the burlap and linens.

Here is the my booty:  I will be celebrating this with Kathleen at Faded Charm for the 50th White Wednesday.


I want to thank all of the bloggers who have been posting their creative DIY projects, you have me hooked on burlap and now I am off to try and create something myself.  Thanks for stopping by. 

Patrice did you see all my fun stuff?  Next time I won't let you stay home!


  1. You lucky, lucky, girl you!!!!!!!! That bed is AMAZING!

  2. Girl, you did make off like a bandit. Love it all, but the burlap bags are wonderful, have fun creating!!!

  3. What finds!!!! Totally in love with the burlap sacks! The bed is gorgeous too!
    Have a wonderful Tuesday. : )
    Health and happiness!

  4. Wow you did load up!! I love the bed!!! Can't wait to see what you do with the burlap sacks!!!

  5. First, I am glad you posted the far away picture of the bed. You are able to see the size better. I really like the scroll and the curves on it. The sacks were a score for sure. Honestly though I am not so sure I ama fan of them only because they are so scratchy to the touch.....remember I said I like velvet? I am like a cat. But I am glad for you and felt very excited running away from the burlap guy with you....I LOVE THAT FEELING.

    Oh our growing weather is good here it just seems we have had an extremely wet May. Which is good I suppose, since our snow on the mountains sucked.

  6. Oh I am especially in love with your lines...yummy thats what I am talking about.

  7. the bed, the bed... I'm drooling!


  8. Excellent finds!!
    Can you send some heat this way...I'm freezing here!!
    I can't wait to see what your going to create with all the burlap!
    Pamela xo

  9. A lot of Junking great is that????

  10. What a SCORE! There isn't a thing there that I wouldn't want to take home! But the linens...LOVE! Jacqueline

  11. The graphics on the burlap bags are outstanding - it will be fun creating some goodies with them!


  12. Amazing, i love it all.

  13. Oh what a wonderful day...
    great and amazing finds..
    thanks for sharing,

  14. it is all "bootyful"
    sorry had to do it

  15. You show the fun side of junking something I have never done!
    I am sure the finished result will be stunning!
    BTW my peonies are showing frillalicious beauty now!
    Have fun creating!

  16. Wow, great finds! I especially like that bed, and would love to find one like it for my home!
    It's my first White Wednesday, so I'm very happy to meet you!
    Happy WW!

  17. You did FANTASTIC!

  18. oh!!! I am So feeling your excitement right now. Don't you ever wonder...WHY do people get rid of this stuff (as your running to your truck arms laden with goodness:) great scores.

  19. Hi, i love the bed, And the burlap. I love all the burlap too.You really did great. I love a good bargain.It's so exciting to find something like that beautiful bed....Kathy

  20. What fabulous finds, I love them all and can't wait to see what you make with your burlap sacks ~ Tina x

  21. Really like the linens and the bed. You had a nice day!

  22. What amazing finds...well done!
    Happy WW!

  23. Upper 80's...Pfft!

    Love, love ,love your finds. Take me with you next time?

  24. We are talking Buffalo now, not Texas. We normally do not get that hot until later in the summer.

  25. Big score, I can picture you trying to keep a deadpan face while jumping up and down inside. It's an artform in itself! Loooove all that burlap, but then that is kinda my thing right now:-)

  26. Girl I'm going in the living room now and ask my husband about the burlap sacks he gets the feed in to feed our horses!! I love your blog. I just started one come on over and join me. I'm having a give away


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