
Friday, June 4, 2010

Garage Sale Season Is Officialy Opened

We are having our town wide garage sale this weekend. I hit the road as soon as I waved to my kids getting on the bus, bye, love you, have a great day. Get in the car quick, the little guy's snack was packed and we were off.

My first stop is the old farmhouse down the road, they always put out the best stuff. I didn't even let the guy unload from his truck. I bought two chairs, a small white bench and a red stool.

And then I spied a dresser in the barn, excuse me Sir, are you selling that dresser, "well yes I am," he said "but I didn't get it out yet, I thought it was going to rain." Mind you, it is only 8:30 AM. Oh you don't have to bother moving it to the front yard, I will pay for it and come back and get it later. I skipped back to the car. There really was no need to look anymore, I was already a happy camper, but I will.

The picture doesn't show it but it is YELLOW, soon to be WHITE!


And, of course I did. It was slim pickings this year. I was able to find a small bench that I have been looking for to use my burlap on.

 Just don't let Berries sit on it.

I did quite a few drive bys, I was not in the mood to look through kids cloths and have my son whine that he needed a new toy, NOT. So we headed back to pick up all my treasures. Lucky timing for me, another neighbor was also out looking for treasures to resell in his barn. I have met him before and I knew he sold furniture out of his big red barn, but I always thought he refinished them. Oh no, he has a little of everything and he was on his way home to put the open sign up. Well let me just unload my car and I will be right there.

The clouds cleared and the ray of sunshine was upon me. This man had so much WHITE in his barn, how do I wipe this stupid grin off my face. He seems to love chairs a more than me if that is possible. I could not believe I had never stopped by his barn before, that might actually be a good thing. I bought two more white chairs for my gardens, a white bench seat, with a lift up lid for my mud room and a white potting stand.
Do you see the theme here?

With a wave he told me to "stop on back."

"Oh, don't worry, I will, you have a mantel and a bed frame that I might just have to come back for."

Here is a picture of all my new treasures.

My favorite treasure of the day is this little rose pitcher, it is just perfect and I can't wait to get it home.

I am going back out again tomorrow. Insert evil laugh here, hahahahaha.

Um honey about those groceries, I got side tracked on the way to the grocery store. Do we REALLY need milk today. Isn't life just grand! I hope you have as good a weekend as mine has already been, and it has only just started.

If anyone has seen Blossom, tell her I have been looking for her.


  1. Ha the last laugh is on me, now I have to move all the furniture out of the driveway before Mr. M. and the kids get home.

  2. Ha the last laugh is on me, now I have to move all the furniture out of the driveway before Mr. M. and the kids get home.

  3. Wow, that is ALOT of treasure to find in one day!! LOve the beautiful dresser!

  4. Wow! I can't believe you found all of that in one day. It sounds so cool to be able to go shopping in a barn. I am officially jealous!!

  5. Alaina,

    I would have gave you a ran for you money if I were there and spied the three tiered shelf and pitcher! All of these pieces are beautiful. Lucky girl! Looking forward to see you work your magic.

    Your Friend,

  6. I would have thought I died and went to heaven if I found all that good stuff! I am in love with it all!!

    That bench with the lided top is too cute and so is everything else.

    Are you going to show us what you do with it all?


  7. Those are some sweet finds. Love the dresser. It's the kind of thing I used to like refinishing with my mom.

  8. That bench thing is the most coolest thing I have seen!!!!!You would have to go to 30 or more garage sales around here to find any of that

  9. I know you buy all that stuff just to appease your compelling urge to paint right?

  10. Hey TS, I knew you had it in you, that is why you hang around isn't it?

  11. Wow, buying all that stuff, you must be about to move, right?

    Lovely pieces, all.

    Hey, that would just about make up the guest room you could have ready for me when I run away from home. Perfect!

  12. Great stuff ... i love the dresser and that pitcher!! You hit gold!
    I'm jealous :)

    Pamela xo

  13. J-E-A-L-O-U-S! The white dresser - well, "yellow' is too die for!!! What a great haul!! I'm happy for you. Sue@awelllovedhome

  14. Do you have a house next door for sale by chance???? Yeah I figured the answer would be no! You found a truckload of treasures!!! I like it all but LOVE that bench! Good luck this weekend!

  15. You always find the best treasures!! I love your dresser and your little white roses jug is so pretty! Enjoy your new lovelies! ~ Tina xx

  16. Awesome haul! I'm with Sue and Pamela...jealous!

  17. I can't believe you found all of that in one day
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  18. What a haul! My husband would have a stroke if I came home with all that (fabulous) stuff.

    Where do you put it all? Do you sell some of it?



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