
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers and sons of fathers.

This is my father, we call him POP! 
 My father is a retired Math Teacher, a Farmer and an Artist. 
He taught me how to work with tools, drive tractors and maybe my love for painting. 
He recently had open heart surgery but he is recovering well. 
Well as expected for a farmer that was told to slow down during the middle of HAY season, for a husband who likes to take his wife out dancing and a father who makes sure to celebrate his children's birthdays.

Happy Father's Day POP!

Their DAD
My husband is a great dad.
 I could never ask for a better man to be a father of my children.
 I am always amazed by his patience with our children and his help when I need him.
He is teaching them how to be little bakers like himself and I love him so for that!

A happy man with his tractor!

Who loves his wife!


Who loves his kids!

He has big shoes to fill!

He is always ready for a walk!

Sets a great example!

Always shows his support!

Knows how to get a laugh!

He is our Norm Abrams!

See I told you he could make breakfast! 
And he looks amazing in uniform!.

He is our SUPERHERO!

He's their DAD!

And boy do we love HIM!

Happy Father's Day!


  1. What a gorgeous post! Happy Father's Day to your Dad and your husband! Such lovely pics! Hope you have a wonderful week ~ Tina x

  2. What fabulous photo!!! Looks like your Dad and hubby are both characters!!

  3. This is such a great tribute to the men and dads in your life Alaina! You really are blessed!

  4. what a great post!!!!I think you look like your DAD Alaina.

    What a man and a good leader and example to your children!

  5. Happy Father's Day to your men too! Your dad reminds me of my FIL. It was so nice to see photos of your husband and children. Any man who can run a tractor and cook gets an A+ in my book!

  6. What a wonderful post! I hope you enjoyed your Father's Day together!
    I also wanted to invite you to stop by my blog...I have an award for you. :)

    Here's the link:

  7. Hi Alaina!
    I'm so glad you stopped by, and you're very welcome! You deserve it. I love your blog! :)
    ~ Jo

  8. So much I want to say about this post but I also want to read all of your other posts that I missed so I'll say the one thing that no one else did (but they were thinkng it, I assure you)...

    Mr. M is sooo CUTE! Ohmygoodness, ALAINA! What a pretty man you have there! And he cooks? And has helped you create that beautiful space of yours? And puts up with all of your junking?

    happy fathers day mr. m and pop!

  9. Alaina,

    So sweet. You make a good couple! I can read how much you love him between the words!

    Your Friend,

  10. Mama Cow wants to know what is growing in the field behind the tractor picture...


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