
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Whites With a Side of Mulch

I was SUPPOSED to be getting a load of mulch but I had to check and see if one of my favorite Garage Sales was open yet.  I have been checking each Friday for the past three weeks.  YEP, whohooo, I was jumping for joy, I get the best WHITES there.  She remembered me too!  "Hey aren't you the one who bought some chandeliers here!"  "Yes ma'am, three in fact."  OMGosh how could I resist when she has such good prices.

After an hour and half we piled everything into Mr. M.'s truck.  The whole time we are loading up the truck she kept showing me more chairs and other whites, "now how about this, it will look good in your garden."
"No, thank you, remember I still have to get mulch in the back of this truck."  Although she did talk me into taking the white swing, come on, it was so CHEAP, I could not resist!
"Well, I will be open ALL weekend long and you can come back."
I was practically running to get out of there.  Stop me before I find more!

 I was an hour and 1/2 late for getting back to my mother-in-laws to do her mulching and I was still not exactly sure how I was going to accomplish it.
 I still had to pick up the mulch!

But I did!

No problem, just put my finds ON TOP OF THE MULCH and away we go!

The front of the truck was packed too!

This is what I was able to pack in the truck ALONG with the yard of mulch.

All these wonderful Garage Sale whites will be added to the rest to Feather My Nest.

A new swing for a back yard tree, it will look lovely with a few pillows and a quilt.
How about that, she had another chandelier. I think it will look awesome in the living room.
Now how exactly do I explain to Mr. M. that the ceiling fan just HAS to go? 
 You know if I could figure out how to remove it myself I would have done so ALREADY!

A few mirrors in need of a little white paint will go nicely in the bathroom I think.

Don't ask me WHY, I just liked the collection of BALLS. 
 It may be due to Mr. M. and my two older kids like to play baseball. 
They will look good in a large white bowl setting on the coffee table.

These are just neat lights. 
 I am not sure but I think they are going to get a coat of white on the brass.  
Then they are going into the SHED.

Some new/old white chairs for the gardens, they will fit right in.  
In fact, at this moment they have already found a home in the back yard gardens.

I love finding monograms to make pillows from.

Those are my white finds for the week. 
 I am sharing this with Kathleen at Faded Charm for White Wednesday

Take a few minutes and visit all of the other WHITES.
 There is always a new friend or idea to be found.


  1. Oh my... I love your stuff. I have never hit a garage sale and been able to find what you did. Enjoy... I love the chandeliar.

  2. That pickup loaded down with stuff made me LAUGH! Love the baseball thing, I was thinking of doing the same sort of thing.

  3. What awesome finds!! I keep finding furniture to bring home...the thing is I don't sale any of what I have, and have no place to store it! Hmmm, it's Ok if none of us have beds to sleep on right? I love, love, love the chandelier, the chairs are great too, and how about that swing!

  4. You always find the best treasures!

  5. You are cracking me up over here!!! I would do the same thing. : ) Lovin' your finds...........
    Health and happiness,

  6. Alaina,

    We must have caught the same bug! Thank you for the laugh this morning. I have done the same thing on many occasions. I think my epitath will read "Oh, it will fit. I'll make it fit." You got some fabulous finds - the chandelier, swing...I have a pair of those exact chairs in my studio.

    Your Friend,

  7. You are so funny!!!! Love that shot of the back of the truck.
    What a goldmine of great stuff. I like the balls too they look neat all piled together!!
    I can't wait to see those lights painted white. You have a really good eye!
    Pamela xo

  8. What great finds! Love the whites! Especially the chairs.


  9. Are you crazy girl? Baseballs in a bowl on the coffee table. I'd be saying goodbye to my windows within minutes. My kids are well behaved, but Hubby and baseballs in the house, not a good combination!

    You need one of those bumper stickers that says, "Silly boys, trucks are for girls!"

    Seriously, loving all your finds...but leave the brass just to humor me!

  10. I am in awe of all of the gorgeous stuff that you found! I love all of it, especially the chandelier, OH! I would love to find one like that for my dining room.
    Hugs, cindy s

  11. OMG! A woman after my own heart! I love how junk always takes a front seat (and anywhere else for that matter!) great stuff! Love the chandelier.

  12. You find the best stuff! I want to go shopping with you!!!Please!!!

  13. Fun finds! I've been searching for a vintage porch swing as well. Loving all your whites!
    Have fun shopping this weekend, I hope you find some great stuff. Is it the Renningers Antique Extravaganza by any chance? We usually go to that one every year but it fell on the same weekend my mom and I were going away so I'll have to wait for the next one.
    Have a great time!

  14. So much fun. I judge a vehicle on hauling capacity. You win! Great finds, Susanne.

  15. How Wonderful ~ All those White Treasures & Mulch.... I think you actually had a little space left for another Find....

  16. Thanks for the help setting this up....had a blast this weekend...what an extravaganza :)!!!!

  17. I LOVE that chandelier and I want to go garage saling with you!


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