
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Arbor House is Going to the FLEA MARKET

I had previously been contemplating opening a new shop with a new business partner.  At the last moment the ideal spot fell through, literally the building needed too much work. 

While one door closes another opens.  I mentioned to family and friends that I have been contemplating going back to work.  No sooner had I spoke the words, several job opportunities opened up that I am pursuing.  Now that all three of my children will be in school it will make it somewhat easier for me to work full time.  I do enjoy working and I am excited to be going back to a full time job.  Mr. M. has some reservations about how we will be able to juggle it all and I do know it will be hard work at the beginning trying to balance it all out, but I have confidence in myself and my family, we can do it! 

I have an abundance of furniture and accessories in my garage/shed/house from my last shop, so I decided to take it to the flea market.  Remember the last flea market where I found the chandelier and tins, that is the flea market I am going to sell the rest of my treasures.

I am going to work the Flea Market with my friend and potential business partner Patrice and my two sisters Tiera and Iesa, I am sure it will be a weekend full of laughter. We plan to decorate just as if it were a shop, very much like my home, with lots of white furniture, home decor and accessories.

I have also contemplated etsy and have it set up along with a blog if I should decide to pursue that venture, but for now I am hoping to make some money for work clothes and have a fun day.  Wish me luck.


  1. Alaina, you sound like you will be a busy girl, but I know you can do it! The flea will be wonderful, if I was only closeby. Have a great show, and have fun!!

  2. How exciting! Change is a good thing....and you'll work it all out! Wish I could be there for the flea market! Sounds like you'll have lots of fun and make money too.....YAY! Good luck!

  3. Alaina I am sending tons and tons of luck on this venture. And I hope the flea is a huge you can buy those new work clothes.
    I am laughing over your post about your trip to the flea with the children. It brought back memories...hehe!
    Thank you for your dear words of congrats to me. I so appreciate you!

  4. Alaina I am sending tons and tons of luck on this venture. And I hope the flea is a huge you can buy those new work clothes.
    I am laughing over your post about your trip to the flea with the children. It brought back memories...hehe!
    Thank you for your dear words of congrats to me. I so appreciate you!

  5. I wish you success sweet girl. I know you will sell out everything!


  6. Oh how I wish I could be at that flea market to buy some of your fabulous treasures! I'm sure you'll sell it all. :)
    I've been where you were, wondering whether I should go back to work or not. Unfortunately, there's just no opportunities here where I live, especially in this economy. I wish you all the luck with your new endeavors! I know you can do it, too! ;o)
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs ~ Jo

  7. YOU are one busy chickie! I SO very much wish I could attend your flea market. PLEASE show us lots of pics!

  8. I wish you guys were close by so I could come! Best of luck!
    I think you guys are gonna have a great time!

  9. Very best of wishes in whatever you decide to do... God luck with the sale....

  10. How I wish I could be there!

  11. Best of luck with your new venture...Kathy

  12. You gave me a great idea with the buttons. I have 2 burlap pillows and have been waiting to do something great with them. Soo looking forward to the Flea Market.Do I really have to wait a month? See you soon and thanks for mentioning me.

  13. I hope you have one in 2011! LOL


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