
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Great Flea Market Finds Part 2

I was supposed to show my GREAT FLEA MARKET FINDS last Friday.  However, we were so busy entertaining Mr. M.'s cousins that have been staying with us for the weekend for our family reunion and the 4th of July.  I just ran out of time.  SO, I will show you for WHITE WEDNESDAY with Kathleen at Faded Charm.

This was truck load # 2.  Don't you just love the #5!  I bought it to up to put on the SHED.  Most of the rest of the finds have already found a home somewhere in the house, maybe not permanent but they have a home.

Do you see the chair peaking out from behind the window and the quilt?  That is the chair I want to cover with the new coffee sack I found, oh and I plan to paint it white, of course.

I must say my favorite finds may be all of the corbels I was able to find at a shop in the flea market.  I found 3 sets of 2 and one that is not a pair.

I put up two, one in the kitchen in the entry way.


And one in the living room entrance.

I did not have a large enough entrance to put them both in, but I still like the way they look.

This is some of van load #3. I found a cheese box already painted WHITE, I love finds that require no work! The little metal basket is going to work great for extra towels in the bathroom. I found a couple of edged pillowcases for using on the deck pillows. I also found a white platter and a small white pitcher.

Another favorite find is this large apothecary grinder.

I was lucky to find some embroidered linens. I think this garden wheel barrel is my favorite.
I am not sure if I am going to frame it or make it into a pillow.

A beautiful rose monogram.

This cabinet I showed last week, it had to be dismantled to get it home.

Well, I have put it back together and I had intended it for the dinning room, it did not look good there so I have put it into my office and it is in a happy place now.

Do you see the angled corbel on top of the cabinet? 
 It is another find, I plan on attaching it to the wall in the bathroom and hanging a chandelier from it.


This necklace is one of my favorite finds of the weekend. 
 I just love all the little pieces, watch face, key, crystal and lock together.

I am not much of jewelry person.
 For me to wear a necklace on any given day it has to be special. 
 I bought this necklace at North of Eden Creations shop located at Shupp's Grove in Adamstown, PA.  Tina has the most amazing things in her shop, definitely worth a visit.

  Thank you for visiting me.
  Don't forget to go back and check out all the other White Wednesday posts.


  1. WOW...when you shop you shop... you found some wonderful treasures...

  2. WOW! I don't know how you do it, but you always find the most fabulous treasures! I love everything, especially your monogrammed linens:) How much fun would it be to go flea market shopping with you!! Enjoy your new lovelies. I love your corbels and that necklace is just beautiful. ~ Tina xx

  3. Beautiful finds. I especially like the embroidered linens. The number 5 caught my eye right away.

    Your Friend,

  4. I can't pick a favorite! We would have been cat fightin over all of it!!
    Great stuff!

  5. That wheelbarrow design is sooo cuuute! And speaking of No. 5 and linens, I saw that set of napkins with the little tag that said set of 5 at the thrift store and new exactly where they belonged! I had planned on sending the pitcher before you mentioned having one in every room. Then I thought well, mabey she's got enough pitchers... naw, you can never have enough of something you love. Glad you like your stuff!

  6. I think at first I was jealous.....I've thought about it and I'm so happy you found all these great goodies! I'm thinking if I can't have them I'm glad you do!!! They are so beautiful! The cabinet is unbelievable and the corbels.....oh I love them!

  7. Friggin, you got the motherload there friend! Even admidst all of your busyness!. I need to come visit you!!!!

  8. Hey do you watch Sarah's HOUSE? She hung corbels like that in her house too....just a beauty eh?

  9. Hi Alaina,
    LOVE all your white treasures! That apothecary grinder is wonderful!! Your 'new' old cabinet looks great in its new home.
    Thanks for sharing all of this fabulous eye candy!
    Hugs ~ Jo

  10. Great finds!!! I love how your cabinet looks in your office. All your whites are so lovely! Happy White Wednesday!!!

  11. Great finds, wow! Love the cabinet and corbels!...Christine

  12. Oh my word. You really did hit the jackpot. Love the corbels and how beautiful they look in your home. Hugs, Marty

  13. Wowzers! You found some great treasures! So many fun things! I have some keys that I would like to make into a necklace...maybe one like this! Beautiful!

    Happy WW!

  14. I absolutely love the gingerbread. I'm a sucker for all of it. I have quite a lot around our house and of course on the house-wonderful use inside!

  15. I just adore those linens! Lucky you! I can't wait to go camping in upstate NY and hit some great barn sales.

  16. Great finds! I adore the #5 sign! So fun finding new homes for everything!

  17. You are a true friend....I did not like Sarah's yellow rooms either, or her fabric choices this time around.

  18. Wow- impressed - want to come over to your house and play with all the good stuff!

  19. Thanks for visiting my blog! Love your blog and space. Pretty vintage finds. I also love flea markets and post about the finds.
    ~ Julie

  20. Great treasures! I love the corbels and the necklace is so pretty!

  21. YOWZA!!! Everything is just lovely. I love your new necklace especially. And the #5 is perfect. Don't you just looovvveee a good day at the Flea:) Happy WW! BTW - new follower, glad I found you.


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