
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lost In Business

I feel like I do not have enough TIME! 

 I am lost in the land of business. 

 So much to do, so little time.  This flea market has consumed most of my time.  My gardens, house, life has taken a back seat.  I barely get to finish one week and we are into the next. 

I want to yell.


The week moves on and slowly we are entering the last weeks of summer and it is only getting busier.  I know I am not the only one, we women tend to over schedule our time trying to get it all done. 

Today I walked through my gardens, they have not stopped, they are not waiting for me to tend to them.  They have become overgrown, producing wonderful flowers that I have not had time to enjoy.  I love gardening, I need to get back into my gardens.  I cut some of my roses to bring inside so that I will not miss their lovely pinks and their petals as they fall. 

I always think next week but slowly my next weeks are gone. 
 Soon the children will be going back to school. 

Now I have a surprise!

I have a new job, I am going back to work. 
 I am excited, nervous and I CAN"T WAIT! 

Mr. M. is a volunteer fireman in our town and this weekend is their annual field days.  It is a time to celebrate with my family.  Time to celebrate the men and women who are there for their community.

Such a busy weekend. 
 We are also celebrating Mr. M.'s 20 year high school reunion. 
 Talk about time flying. 


Today I will try and steal some time to work in the gardens and bring myself some peace.

If I run out of time, there is always,


Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. yes, I find time just sneaks away from me too. There's a cone flower that needs moving out in the front garden...
    Oh, and don't get me started on the laundry. Sigh.

  2. Enjoy your weekend, dear Alaina, and have lots of fun!

  3. Hi Alaina,
    Congratulations on your new job! You are busy, busy right now, but it's all for really good things, so enjoy it! Before you know it things will balance out and slow down again. :)
    Your roses are beautiful!
    Have fun at your hubby's 20th reunion!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    ~ Jo :)

    P.S. My husband is a firefighter, too... for the last 22 years... talk about time flying. ;o)

  4. Time does fly by! My to-do list for the summer is'nt even 1/2 done yet I seem to have been busy all summer!!! I love it when everyone leaves the house so I can steal a little "me" time!!!!

  5. You have more blooming than I do right now. Those are gorgeous flowers. Congratulations on the job!

  6. Sounds great! I'm glad you are excited! Thank you so very much for your super sweet comment about my made my month!

  7. Hello there! I found you via Jamie @ Freckled Laundry and the award that she gave you. I am now a follower and look forward to more from you. I know what you mean about time and how it just slips through our fingers. The tasks of mothers are all consuming!


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