
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My First Painted Rose

At least I hope it looks like a rose. 

 I have been painting signs to sell at the flea market that I will be in THIS weekend. 
Oh my gosh it is coming so fast.

Am I ready? .........Well....... maybe, if I would stop being creative. 
I tried, but then I went to my father's home and I found some wonderful chippy wood that just called out to be made into signs.  I made some simple # signs, I saw some at a show in PA while on vacation and I thought I would give it a try. 

My favorite #.

  I have always been drawn to painting, furniture, walls, floors.  I have always wanted to try on canvas but I like working with oils and acrylics look rather than water color.
 I know I feel happy, calm and at piece when I am doing a painting project.

This is my first ROSE.

It is more of an abstract than real.  It is part of a sign that I plan on selling. 
I have finally made something that I secretly hope does NOT sell. 

 Can I recreate it? 

 Not exactly...... I am not sure how I did it in the first place.

This is the sign finished.

I think if it does sell I just might have to try another rose.  

It was fun!



  1. Very pretty! And I like all the numbers too. Numbers and letters are so hot right now. I wish I had your discipline for getting things done!

  2. Yay, I too love those number wood tiles that are popping up everywhere I think you did a great job.
    Oh poo, I was just at my friends house last night and they were cleaning out old barn wood from the property they bought and I was dying to take it home and use it, it would be perfect for your paintings.

  3. I love your flower market sign, I would love to buy it. Hope you make more in the future.

  4. I love the line when you say you have no idea how you did it. You make me laugh in a good fun way. Your sign is awesome. if you want it why sell it?

  5. Alaina,

    I paint. You use oils and acrylics
    on canvas. Watercolors are a tricky medium to master. You use them on watercolor paper.

    Great job! I especially like your numbers. They are very popular now in home design and will sell quickly. "5" is my lucky number too!

    Your Friend,

  6. my favorite is the #5 too! Thats the one I would buy! and... yes, it is a beautiful rose!

  7. That is so fun!! Love this sign, your rose is beautiful and I think its a seller!!!

  8. The sign is very pretty Alaina!
    The number "5" sign has my name all over it...I love the number five don't ask me why!!

    Thank you so much for your very beautiful birthday wishes to me warmed my heart!!

    Pamela xo

  9. That sign is wonderful, I would love to be able to paint roses, I was reading the comments and did not know that numbers were hot now!


  10. Thank you for your lovely blog - I have enjoyed following it for months. In an effort to grow, I would be honored if you consider following my blog ; )


  11. You certainly have great artistic talent. Keep it up! Your sign looks gorgeous.

  12. BEAUTIFUL Alaina! You did a fab job, and I love the sign! I love those numbers painted on the blocks of wood, too. That looks so simple... I may have to try that one.
    Have fun at the flea market this weekend... hope you sell lots of stuff!! I'm sure you will.
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  13. P.S. I grabbed your button. :)

  14. Your rose is so beautiful and I LOVE the sign! The number signs are fabulous too! I can't wait to see what your next painting will be. I wish I could paint, but So I will enjoy your beautiful paintings instead:) I want to thank you so very much also, for being so incredibly sweet and kind and putting a link to me store on your sidebar. You are such a generous friend. Thank you Alaina. ~ Tina xx

  15. oh. i love the painted numbers! and it's nice to meet you...i just wandered over on my meanderings tonight:)



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