
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Whites for the Flea Market

Until I do the flea market at the end of August it is pretty much all that I think about. 

 What needs to be painted?  What still needs upholstering?  Do I have enough tags?  Are my business card tags ready?  When do I get my new printer?  Can I pick up my new sewing machine yet?  How do I work these machines?  Am I ready to start Etsy yet?  Lots, and lots yet to do.

Oh, and is it time for the beach YET? 

I have actually done quite a bit in between all of my normal daily goings on.  Do you remember this dresser?  Yellow, you may remember it is my least favorite color.

Well it's not yellow anymore!

Happy dresser, no more nasty yellow.

How about this bench, do you recall that tapestry top?

It has a good body but the top has to go.

Now this is not my normal colors but I plan on having a display for Fall/Halloween and this will be perfect.  Hey if it doesn't sell I can always redo the seat again.

Rocker before



I painted the frame and mirror white too.
Even the baseballs are going to be displayed in a bowl for sale.

These are only a few of the many treasures I will be selling at the flea market, to see more visit my new shop blog here.

I am joining Kathleen from Faded Charm for White Wednesday.

What have you painted WHITE lately?


  1. I understand your thinking-got to get everything done! Good luck when you go!

  2. Looks like you've got all your projects under control and moving forward really well!


  3. The chest looks so fresh now. Thank you for the tip about the non-yellowing poly. I plan to do that.


  4. What beautiful transformations. I especially love the bench. Thanks for sharing and good luck at the flea market.

  5. I can't believe you found bright white drop cloths at Lowes..thats where I bought mine...I gotta go back and take a better look!

    And I love that bench!!!

  6. All beautiful pieces! Good luck at the flea market. Have fun.

  7. All beautiful pieces! Good luck at the flea market. Have fun.

  8. Great transformations, Alaina! They all look wonderful now!
    I haven't painted anything lately, but I have A LOT of pieces that I want to paint. I'm going to have to stop procrastinating one of these days and just do it! LOL!
    Have a great day,
    ~ Jo :)

  9. Love the inspiring beauty in the shabby-ness, love the bench :)
    will be back for a visit soon.

  10. Oh, WOW! Love all your re-do's! Especially that rocker....I'm sure your flea market will be a great success! I can't imagine all the hard work that goes into planning for one of those. But it's worth it, I'm sure!

    I have lots of things waiting to be painted right now. The summer is really getting away from me! I better get busy on SOMETHING! :)

    Happy WW!

  11. All of your re-dos are perfectly beautiful! I ADORE that old rocker! It is so PeRfEcT!!! Recently I painted my bedroom dresser white. I have several more pieces to much to do and so little time.
    Hugs, Cindy S

  12. oh I'm in LOOOOOOVE with both the dresser and the bench! AWESOME! ...and that rocker is just SO SWEET! GREAT transformations!

  13. Love all the transformed lovelies! Hope you get your sewing machine exciting!!!

  14. Busy girl! Thanks for taking the time to stop by!! Knock em dead at the market! Jacqueline

  15. LOVED looking at all your "before and afters". You have a great touch! Many blessings on success at the fleamarket and also your shop. I'm going straight over to follow your blog and adventures.

  16. You HAVE been busy, and I love all your projects. That bench is really wonderful!!! Great beach photo from last post,

  17. Alaina I am in awe of how much you do. I love your makeovers!!! This is an exciting time for you and I wish you all the luck.
    Your babies at the beach are too darn cute for words.

  18. Hi Alaina, My gosh woman, all the things you do and need to get done.... I'm already exhausted just reading about it. Your makeovers are great, and I hope everything goes well for you at the flea market.

    Have a Wonderful Day, and don't work to hard!

  19. Oh you're killing me. Too much goodness in one place. I may have to rent a room and come to the flea market!

    Your Friend,

  20. what can I say? I like the yellow printed rocking chair! can you imagine?

  21. I am not a yellow person as you know but I too like the rocker too. I think it is the big cabbage roses.

  22. All your redo's look fantastic! But that Minas Gerais coffee bench is wonderful!! Minas Gerais is in Brazil, and we used to vacation there, in the old mining towns with beautiful colonial architecture. (our family lived in South America for a while) So many good memories!

  23. I love that dresser, it's beautiful! Yellow is almost my least favorite color too (orange wins!). Happy weekend!

  24. What a charming home and blog you have! This is my first visit and Brenda sent me over to say Hi. Stop by and visit me when you have a chance!

    Susan and Bentley


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