
Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Boy's Christmas Trees


Even though my two sons share a room I still made sure they each had their own individual tree.  My older son who happened to have the first tree, has all vintage ornaments,colored lights and nutcrackers.  Well he is SUPPOSED to have nutcrackers all over his tree, but he tends to take them down and play with them. 
He helped me put the nutcrackers BACK on the tree this morning so I could take a picture.
That's actually OK with me, because I want him to know that this is his tree, even though I usually get him a new set of cheap nutcracker ornaments each year, like I said he PLAYS with them and then tend to loose a nose or shoe or head sometimes.

I am a little more strict on the large nutcrackers and they are usually played with more care.  He knows that these are the ones he will want to last for many years, you know become antiques he tells me.

Now when my youngest son came along we were not sure how to make his tree different.  He was only a month old for his first Christmas so I decided to take some vintage letter blocks and glue ribbon on and hang them on his tree.  Well, last year I had been informed, "mom, I am NOT a baby anymore."
  So, I had to swap the blocks for something else, but the tree had to be different from the other sibling's trees.

I had noticed that we had amassed quite a collection of teddy bears, hence the new teddy bear tree. Thankfully each of my other children had no problem donating some of their teddys for the tree.

The teddys do end up on the floor to be played with, but I am not too worried because they were really just a temporary fix.

We have a new plan for next year's tree.
You will just have to wait until next year to hear about it though.

This bear is on of my bears, I love his curly hair and blue sweater.

This little guy is only about 3 inches big. 
My sister made him, she used to make miniature bears, before she became too busy with kids and life.
I am lucky that I have about 4 of them scattered around the house, they range from about 1" to 6". 
Each one of my kids has a bear made especially for them, they sit on a shelf in the kid's rooms.

Did you think I was done?
NOPE, there are more!

This guy is all fluffed up because he is out in the cold.
This tree is in our eventual master bedroom.  As you can see it is not done yet, but that does not mean it can't be festive too.

To me the prettiest trees are the ones with just the white lights on them, real, fake, large or small.
Just the simple tree.

My poor little tree is much cuter at night in the dark.

There is still time to try to win the giveaway, just go here to leave your comment,
 you have until the end of the day.

What are you waiting for? 
Go check out what you may win!
The house is almost done being decorated so that now we can concentrate on enjoying the Christmas holiday, baking cookies, making ornaments, shopping, and hitting the friends and family Christmas parties.

I hope your days leading up to holidays are just as enjoyable!


  1. Love the boys trees! I am beginning to think I way underestimated my guess!!

  2. What a nice tradition, having a tree for each child and a theme to go with it. Although they love playing with their bears and nutcrackers, it sounds like they have a lot of respect for them as well, which is so sweet. And the trees are darling! My daughter was afraid of nutcrackers when she was little, so I could never have them {those chomping teeth can be a bit scary!}

    Good luck on the rest of your decorating. I am hoping to make a dent in it soon and then relax!


  3. Love the boys trees and love the teddy bears! So cute!
    It most take you till February to put everything away. How big is your storage area for all these trees? Hey that would make a great giveaway question...How does she and where does she store them all lol !!

  4. Holy Doodles Alanina, i am with Pamela. As I was reading I was thinking where would you store all that stuff?
    anyhoo, I like the nutcracker tree I like all the colours!


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