
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Keeping Busy

I am stuck as to what I should do next, start a new project or finish something I already started.

Oh, I know what I SHOULD do.
However should and want are two entirely different things in my world.

This beauty is in my basement.
I am thinking of moving it upstairs, the only problem is WHERE?

and I have to ask my sister "what are you doing today?"
 This is usually code for "want to move some furniture with me?"
Most of the time I know she makes up excuses because I make her move TOO much furniture.

Anyway, that is one of my projects this year.
I am having a hard time getting started.
I always have a motivation problem after the holidays, but I am thinking that inspiration from all of you wonderful bloggers is going to help get me motivated.

I may not do the laundry but I will be painting and sewing some more.
The only problem is finding more time in my days.
I have officially started my new job and I am still trying to figure out how to do it ALL!

The laundry pile seems a little larger.
We are either eating more or the dishes not getting done.
The Christmas decorations are almost all put away, but even those last few are driving me crazy.

I have cleaned out most of the Christmas from my dinning room.
I left some greenery to give it color. 

There is lots of snow on the ground and it is still coming down. 
 Living in the Northeast can do that to ya.
I like snow for Christmas, in fact I do get upset if there is none, BUT, it can go away now!

I am always ready to start thinking of gardening even while the snow is on the ground.
This year I am dreaming of starting a formal garden in our large back yard.
We have over 5 acres of land and most of it is grass, under the snow of course.
I am trying to break up the large space by creating different areas and I am hoping that a formal English garden with a cottage garden feel will help.

Source unknown

Kind of a combination of the two above.
I am thinking of an arbor at the end of the path with a bench seat to enjoy the view.

So, what are you daydreaming about as you wish for Spring to arrive?


  1. Alaina,

    It's snowing in NJ too. Winter didn't officially begin until the winter solstice which was Dec 21, only 18 days ago. We have a long way to go until the spring equinox, March 20th. No dreams of spring for me. I'll enjoy this cold that I was dreaming about when we were all melting tending to our gardens last summer!

    Your Friend,

  2. Your hutch is wonderful. So much fun storage and display space. I love your mantel also, how cool is that. The gardens sound gorgeous. I want to do some work in the back yard also, however ours is postage stamp size. Hugs, Marty

  3. First of all, I'm not wishing for Spring, I love the Winter snow. Secondly, I'm trying to figure out what should take precedence, putting drapes up on the last window, in my sun room, or re-finishing my kitchen table. So...nothing is happening at the moment.
    I love your huge hutch it's gorgeous! Where will you put it? It's such a great piece that it should look good most anywhere!
    Hugs, Cindy

  4. I'm with ya on the getting started or finishing or midstream...all of it!!

    My house is a dismantled disaster at present. It will be completely re-done in the next couple of weeks...changing rooms, moving furniture, slipcovers to sew, draperies to make, etc. But I have an excuse today to sit on the couch - my nose is stuffed up and I'm achey! LOL!

    I don't dream about gardening but I dream about other things that involve the sunshine - riding my bike, hiking (altho we do that in any season)...oh and the sunshine bit, too!!! If we stay busy doing all the indoor stuff for the next couple of months...time will fly by and you can grab your gardening tools and be out there before you know it!

    Btw, I LOVE your gardens!!!

    Happy New Year!

  5. Alaina, I love thr formality of English Gardens.

    I have a specific picture I have saved in my dream book.
    I have had sewing laying out on the dining room table for a week now, and life has taken me every where else but that table..I am aching to finish my projects.

    Go check out my friend VintageE she is new to blogging and posted her first blog yesterday. She is and Excellent seamstress....I have been friends for 23 years!!

    She is on my sidebar!!!

    I cannot wait to see your stuff.
    I can't dream of summer gardens yet, I have too much to do right now.

    We have no snow! It has been pouring rain for weeks with bits of sunshine.
    Although, Mt. Washington resort on the Island here has the most snow on any mountain on north America right now!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it??

  6. I'm with you on the snow. After Christmas I just can't wait for Spring to come. Your hutch is awesome. Reminds me of the one that was in my parents house before they did a drastic 1970's remodel. I wish I had the room for one that size.

  7. This is the perfect time of year to daydream about gardens...I do it all the time. I have a semi formal garden at our lakehouse, but it is starting to look a little overgrown, so it will need some serious attention this spring!

    I love the pretty cabinet in your basement...I hope you find room for it!

    Stay warm and dry!


  8. good ideas....we are just getting things together as we had a garage fire last year....boxes have been everywhere and alot of things are still in storage but its coming together snow here but its cold!
    I've been repainting our kitchen cupboards bit by bit and its looking good...haven't thought about the garden yet....that will come later, me thinks....the cupboard is very a job to get it upstairs though...does it come apart?

  9. Alaina, were you able to leave a comment on VintageE? It won't let me and I was wondering if it was just me or she needs to fix something.

  10. I LOVE that cabinet.. Beautiful.. How about putting it in your dinning room where the darker cabinet is, or is that a built in? I can't tell by the pictures :) Beautiful Home!

  11. The hutch is great, where do you need it? It's a great piece! The idea of the garden plan is wonderful, no wonder you're anxious for spring, that looks like a big, but fun job!

  12. ALAINA
    I am yelling at I went to a garage sale just made for you today. All I could think of was Alaina would like this. Alaina would like that. Her stuff was 25 cents...But alas I was broke. I did get a pink twin size bed. For FREE yo! Oh if I could have snatched all those lovely things.

    I told her she should open a Etsy shop..who knows one day she might...

  13. I am dreaming of spring blooms. I love that piece! Get it up there and start putting pretties in it. If I was there I'd help ya! We got the last of the Xmas put up yesterday.

  14. I love your garden ideas Alaina. A formal gardne would be so lovely to have. Boxwood won't grow well in my zone 4, so I will enjoy yours when you get it done.
    Thank you so much for coming by and wishing me well. It is always a treat to see you have stopped by.
    big hugs

  15. Your home looks so lovely. I love your style. That hutch cabinet is so pretty. We have almost 3 acres which is mostly grass and perennial gardens. We have similar tastes. I would love to do the same to my garden. We already have boxwoods lining our driveway. We planted the formal rectangle rose gardens several years ago (an idea from Martha's garden). I look forward to seeing your formal garden plans.
    Have a great weekend!
    ~ Julie
    ~ Julie
    p.s. My hubs can't have a ticking clock either :).


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