
Friday, January 21, 2011

A New Treasure

First, HELLO, I am still here!
Second, I am missing all the time I was able to spend in blog land before I started working at my new job.
Third, I just want to let all of you whom have left comments that I read them all, and I love the sweet things you have to say, but I am not as timely in returning a visit or comment.

However, I love my new job and all of the opportunities it offers me.
I do try to visit my favorite bloggers during my lunch hour but I can not always leave a comment as I want to.

This is the hardest time of the year for me and some others as I have been reading.
I get in a funk.

So please bare with me as I fumble along trying to figure out how to do it ALL again.
I had been trying to do posts on my favorite days, but that didn't always work.

Now I am just trying to get a post in when I can.
  I found I can no longer stay up until Midnight blogging and get up for work at 5:30, that makes for a grumpy mama and wife.

Today I am going to show you a treasure I bought on my way home from work yesterday.  BIG advantage of going back to work is that I now have my OWN spending money that I earned.

Please do not think that I am putting down stay-at-home moms, remember I was one for 8 years.  I just enjoy working outside the home, it suits me better.

All of the work I had to do before I went back to work, oh yeah, I still do it. 
Yes Mr. M. does help out same as before, except he is cooking dinner more.

Now on with the treasure!

Isn't it beautiful? 
 Well, anyway, I just love the legs and the combination of the painted white and dark stained wood.
I was lucky enough to buy this piece before the shop even opened.
I have kept in contact with the owner of the antique shop I had worked for over the last few years. 
She has decided to open up another shop and I happened to pop in to say hello and that is when I fell in love with this table/shelves. 
I can't wait till the new shop is open and I can show you another wonderful place to shop.
I am so tickled it is on my way home from work. 
OH honey, I think I am going to be running late!

I enhanced the white heart box with some of my vintage buttons.
I just love how good white and green look together.

I like having the three shelves to display on. 
You may notice I am already using Spring inspired objects in my home.
I told you, the snow can leave any time now!

One of my favorite #'s 5 and a few favorite treasures.

Of course I have to have to include one of my vintage cameras and candle on one of the shelves.

How about you, any new furniture pieces?
Do you have certain objects that you like to display together?

I am joining Deborah from Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday.

 Cindy from My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.

and Marian from Miss Mustard Seed for Furniture Feature Friday.

These three blogs are wonderful blogs and are worth your time to visit, I know they are high on my list!
I hope you enjoy your weekend!


  1. Great photos Alaina! I love it all!
    I am crazy about the number 5!! I noticed the moss ball you have I really want to make one. This is moss country where I is everywhere!
    I am so happy for you being back to work! I say do what makes you happy...a happy mama makes for happy kids!!
    Pamela xo

  2. I love your new piece of furniture. It looks like one table stacked on top of another and nailed down. It sure creates a good look and I love how you have created such sweet vingettes.


  3. oooh alaina that piece is the neatest thing I have seen in a long time.

    I know what winter is like. i lived on the prairie for 5.5 years and thought I was going to die from now until may.

    I always just wait patiently for a post, no worries.

  4. Your shelf is very unique and pretty. I like it both painted and stained, too. You have everything arranged so nicely!!

    I'm glad you like your new many are unhappy in what they do. I was a happy working girl and the extra money was fabulous. I didn't feel as guilty if I bought something I wanted. Now...if you just had more time for shopping!!

    Have a great weekend, Alaina!


  5. Oh and I like the button heart!

  6. That's a really pretty shelf and I like how you classed it up.

  7. Alaina I love what you have created, very special, glad you are back!!

    Come and join in my Gorgeous Giveaway from Blydesign!

    Art by Karena

  8. Hi Alaina, I've missed visiting with you, but don't you dare feel bad or guilty about the amount of time you have. Spending it with your family is #1, then whatever else you have to blog is just extra. We all go thru "seasons", right now you're enjoying a job outside the home. so blessings on you and your family. And please don't worry about responding to the "comments". we all love you.

  9. I just love yr new furniture. Thanks for sharing and have a nice weekend.

  10. That button box is adorable! Love your new finds. I agree with another commenter. Just do what you can, make time for yourself to indulge whatever you want to do at the moment, and don't stress about it.

  11. Glad your enjoying your new job... I love your new treasures... your nO. 5 made me shiver!!

  12. You display so well. I'm totally into a good green with white! Totally! And have been thinking about that combo lately. Probably because of the gray/snow days we've had!!!

    Happy for you about the job and that it works out with your schedule and your hubby cooking. I know that to be a great help!!!

    Love the blogs you mentioned, too!!!


  13. What a cool piece! I like the mix of natural and painted wood too and such fun treasures you have displayed there.

  14. hey! I like it! Have you seen the Pure Style blog? She uses a lot of white and green... I think you would appreciate her taste. I know I do.

    I'm so glad you are enjoying your new job. I do get what you are saying about your own money! I feel like asking my husband, well... what do you want to buy yourself for your birthday. Just not the same. But I'm thankful for the chance to be home now. I had it reverse of you... I was a working mom for over 9 years and have only been home full time the last two.

  15. Love this piece!!! What a treasure! Glad you're enjoying your job. Where are you working? Helpful husbands are such a blessing! Have a great weekend.
    ~ Julie

  16. Oh, I really love your new treasure, it's just beautiful!!
    And I am so with you about getting out of the house and doing something for yourself! It really helps you to be a better Mom when you can get out for some time to yourself, no matter what you do.
    I am so glad your enjoying your work!
    Have a great weekend.

  17. FABULOUS TABLE!!!!!!! SO FAB!!
    Major score. High five.
    xox jeanne.


I enjoy each and every comment you leave. Thanks for stopping by.