
Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Many is TOO Many?

I was cleaning out my linen cupboard and discovered I have 7 white tablecloths in there.

That made me wonder, how many is too many?

This is my special linen closet full of my WHITE linens.
I have been holding on to these linens to make slipcovers and pillows.

I have lost count on the pillow cases, napkins and table runners.

I just love the crocheted edged pillowcases.

I have a hard time passing up a monogram, even if it is not mine.

I have used vintage linens to  make cover the lampshades and I love to embellish them with buttons and paper roses.

How about you, do you have a stack of favorite linens that you can not seem to part with?

What do you save them for?

I hope you are having a wonderful day today!

If you have not signed up for the CSN giveaway, there is still time to go here.


  1. You can NEVER have to many!!! Hmmm, I wonder if that's why I live in clutter!!! haha....I use them for baby showers, wedding showers, and you really can't have enough in those situations!! You should keep'll need them someday!!!

  2. Yes, and to add to your list I have quilts, blankets and chenille bedspreads in every cupboard and drawer I have. I am obsessed!!!

  3. Thank you dear for visiting me and my dauthers passion in her room.

    I sooo get you, never enough while its happening, then you wonder if they just appeared from nowhere. I had to LOL!! I have done the same thing and then started to weed out the ones that no longer fitted due to a different table.

    I say if you are going to do that, get busy sewing them up into new things you are so creative with that all things linen.

    Love the cupboard... get rid of the linens and I will take the cupboard off your hands problem solved :)

    See you and all your inspiration soon.
    Have a beautiful Sunday!!

  4. You are amazing. Let me ask you this. How do you deal with all of the stuff that has been given to you over the years, or that you got back when your taste were different? Even the inside of your linen closet is beautiful to look at. *sigh*

    I am amazed at what you did with your lampshade, I've never done anything like that. Everything you showed us today is lovely. Please share your secret!

  5. I am the same way! I've been hoarding them for years thinking "if I just learned to sew" Well I've finally learned to sew so I am going to start some "ruffled" projects soon.
    Beautiful inspirational pictures!

  6. Alaina,

    I have a 'thing' for white linens - vintage, embroidered, crocheted. Yours are beautiful and I encourage you NOT to part with them unless you plan on sending them to The Fairfield House! (hehehe) Your lamp shade is stunning. I agree with the above commenter. Please give a tutorial on how to make one. Exquisite!

    Your Friend,

  7. I'll third that. I would love a tutorial on how to make the lampshade! I just bought a very cheap lampshade for a vintage lamp and I'm trying to fugure out how to make it look more appropriate.

    For your question - you can never have too many. I have pillowcases that I have had for years and I know that one day they will come in handy. Then again, my collection doesn't take up a whole cupboard.

  8. OMG! I don't know where to begin talking about my addiction and obsession for vintage linens, or just linens in general. I think I inherited this from my Mom and Grandmom!

    I would love to have a stash like yours. I think I'll come over and help you straighten it all up! LOL!!


  9. You can never have to many vintage linens!! I always thought I would make things out of my collection, but now I just can't do it, there just too beautiful! I have a ton of vintage linens as well, I just love to open my cupboard and see them! This would be a great photo for the feature!~!
    Have a lovely night.

  10. You MADE that lampshade?? I need one of those in my's the prettiest I have EVER seen!

  11. You can never have enough , White Linens.... Love them... Beautiful display of them as well.

  12. Sorry for the mix up. I did not make the lampshade, more like I just cover the shade with the vintage fabric and embelish.

  13. Oh, what wonderful linens! Can you ever have enough? I don't think so. That's an adorable lampshade too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Your linen closet is lovely. I also collect white linens and softly faded quilts in pale pinks & white, and nothing gives me greater pleasure than to just look at them folded neatly in a cupboard. I know destash seems to be the mantra this year,and to only have items that serve a purpose & are useful. My collection does exactly that - its' purpose is to bring me joy and it's useful by always making me smile.

  15. Adorable, and you know it!!!!

    Never never can one have enough..they are a dying, hobby...keep them!!!

  16. *sigh* - say it with me: You can never have too large a stack of vintage white linens. Ever.

    They're just pretty to look at, easy to sew on, spread out for picnics, etc. Useful AND beautiful = keep.

  17. just beautiful!!!! I'm so glad you stopped by over the weekend and commented on my post so I could find you!
    Thanks for the encouraging words- you have a gorgeous home and I look forward to more visits here.

  18. Wow quite the collection but you can never have too many Alaina!!
    I love that lampshade you made! This is what I want to do!!
    Love the cupboard that the linens are in!!

  19. I covet your stash. Mine consists of a two quilts and a few hankies from my grandmom.

    The truth? I can't bear to cut anything, so I stopped collecting stuff for projects. I also couldn't bear to have it just sitting in a box hidden. Now if I had a purty cabinet like might be different!

  20. Ouuuu what a beautiful sight!
    I too love vintage linens!
    Hubby always asks if I really need another piece and I give him that "I love you honey" Look and he hands over the cash! LOL
    No a girl can never have too many vintage pretty linens!!!!

    Smiles, Dolly

  21. Love white linens! Would love to make tote bags with some if I ever find the time. Love your photos!


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