
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Put Out The Fire

My Fireman!

Last night Mr. M. and I went to an Installation party at the fire hall where my husband is a volunteer fireman.
This fire company has been in existence 90 years.

Lots of fun, no curfew because the kids slept over at grandma's. 
I'm not too sure if that was a good thing or not.
As my good friend Sara would say, I was overserved!

Mr. M. has been a fireman for 18 years and we enjoy going to this event each year.
It gives us a chance to dress up (meaning I get an excuse to shop).

We eat, drink, dance and celebrate!

The Chief, President, Officers and new members are installed for the new year.
They honor past Chiefs, Presidents and members who have retired their fireman number in this life.

Every year a Fireman of the Year is chosen. 
This year the fireman chosen has been an active fireman for 70 years, amazing, and he is also a WWII war veteran.

I am so proud of my fireman!
I am proud of them ALL!

How about you.
Do you have any volunteer firemen in your families or friends?


  1. YES - my Granddaddy was a professional and volunteer firefighter his entire adult life.
    My husband, as a teenager, along with his mom, step-dad and sister, were all vff's for years. I so admire people who are willing to do that, so deserving of celebration!

  2. Your husband looks very handsome in his uniform! (What month can I find him in The Fireman's Calendar? hehehe) I don't have any members of the family that are firemen but know some of NYFD. I honor all these people that put their life on the line each day to make ours safe. They are all heroes.

    Your Friend,

  3. Well Karen's (ow my angst) dad I have to brag here was a Fire Chief for many years!!! Great honour in my dad's dad was proud of his little brother!
    Sounds like you had a blast last night with your handsome hubby!!

  4. All firemen are heroes in my way of thinking...God bless all Firemen...we so appreciated them when we had our garage fire last year..thanked each one impressed with their professionalism, dedication and good humor amidst chaos...

  5. Well, Pam beat me to it :) Sounds like a very fun time, Alaina! I especially love the "no curfew" part.

  6. Gotta love a man in uniform! My youngest brother started as a volunteer. It seems the calls always came right when we'd sit down to a family gathering.

  7. YOur fireman hubby is one hunk of a beefcake Alaina...just thought you should know.

  8. How cool is that! 70 YEARS??? WOW! It's neat that your kids have a chance to have to know a WWII vet. I've told Jack it won't be long before those heroes are all gone.

    HA HA! Pink! I think she knows!


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