
Thursday, April 7, 2011

White Treasures!

Do you ever decide to go somewhere because you feel a pull or tug to go in that direction?

Well, that is how my morning went and I am so glad I followed.
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and to follow your instinct.

Even if it is telling you to go shopping!

I was feeling the urge to visit my favorite Sally shop but I was kind of resisting because I knew there was laundry to do and I could be cleaning the house.

Well, I decided to follow my inner urge, much more fun than laundry for sure.
In fact I had enough time to visit two Sallys.
I usually tend to get lucky when I follow a tug, just look at all my new treasures.


 My shopping cart was full of white beauties!
I managed to find a couple of white platters and some small white plates.

Remember the twins from my last post, well I scored two more white bed spreads. 
 I thought I was done sewing for awhile.
 I guess I am going to be making another set of twins slipcovers for the wing back chairs in my bedroom.

I also managed to score some great linens at a local antique shop.
Even though I do not exactly NEED anymore, how could I pass up such pretties.

There were four table runners with monograms and I just could not say no, could you?

How about this cool straw hat, love the bow but it has some neat history too.

This is written on the back of the hat.

I also managed to finally find some white tulips and Hyacinth's for my home.
I can't wait to fluff the house this weekend with my new treasures.

Oh and guess what, it was warm and sunny all day and the weekend forecast is calling for warmer weather and sunshine.

Oh happy day!

I am sharing my treasures for Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home and Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage.


Thank you for visiting me today and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. You lucky girl!!!!!!!!!! I went to the thirft
    store and did not find anything like this!!!
    Your photos are great!

  2. Tell me, how much does some of that linen go for in one of you Sally's? I am curious.

    Love the linens!!!It is always good to follow those leads (evil grin)

  3. Oh,lovely whites. You did a great job. Susan

  4. You.Did.The.Right.Thing! It's uncanny isn't it? No explaining it. But when I get that urge, I find the best stuff! Beautiful things you brought home!

  5. I'm so glad you followed that urge, because this stuff is awesome!!!
    I was blown away by the wonderful slipcovers you made for the wing back chairs Alaina!!!!!!!

    To answer the question you had for me...when I start a new bed where there is lawn, I cut the sod out and then till the ground or double dig it. Then I add a lot of compost, and if the soil in your yard is clay, I always add reject (or c pile) sand. Then dig that in well. And then have a great time planting!!!!
    sending hugs...

  6. Alaina,

    As usual, you always score great finds. I too adore the vintage linens and would not be able to resist.
    Looking forward to seeing the magic you work on your bedroom wing back chairs.

    Your Friend,

  7. I absolutely love your vignette! Spring truly has sprung.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  8. Great finds! I have a hard time passing up pretty linens too:-)

  9. I have done the exact same thing, pulled into a garage sale or estate sale....And score, I love that fabric (Bed Spreads) and took a look at your wing chairs, what a great job!


  10. Are those bedspreads old? It is really hard to tell. I was so happy for your score and yesterday I went out and found lots of monogrammed eXcited! After seeing yours I was wishing for the same and it happened!

  11. I know you get a lot of compliments on what you do, so I feel like when I say that something is beautiful, breathtaking or lovely, it sounds like just another compliment. But oh Alaina, I LOVE WHAT YOU DO, it just hugs me when I see a one of your photos.

    That first one, it SPOKE to me. It asked me out for coffee. I told it I only drank tea. So it said, perhaps we should blow off getting a drink and just get married instead.

    I of course, said yes.

  12. Such lovely white finds! I absolutely love those linens you found. Good to follow that urge!

  13. What beautiful linens! Love those pretty whites.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. What pretty linens and beautiful vignette! Love it- thanks for sharing at FNF! :)

  15. Love your pretty ironstone, what great finds. Your linens are all exquisite. What treasures for sure. That hat is adorable. I would wear that all summer. How fun. Hugs, Marty

  16. I love your new header, it's gorgeous!

  17. ok...I'm a-comin over to yours...& you & I are going salvo shopping!!

    that is a seriously gorgeous pile of goodies!

    i totally agree, one can never have too much thrifted linen!!

    love it all...

    melissa x

  18. Beautiful finds! I love the white dishes and linens!!

  19. To quote you girl!!...
    "Do you ever decide to go somewhere because you feel a pull or tug to go in that direction?"

    My answer...Dang girl all the time, and if I don't follow that small voice calling me in I end up loosing the best pieces to friends who call me later, and tell me what they found...Kicking myself I say I would have been there for that great find before they even got there :) So I listen to that voice that beckons me into a path or place, a off the path place that I will now stop for!!

    You have a great display of beautiful finds :)

    Enjoy your inspiring pieces.

  20. Alaina,
    I sooooo! forgot to mention your NEW HEADER, WOW!! love it, and I wish I had that old chapagne bucket with the best patina to it...I wish I were kidding, but i'm not!! :)

    It looks fabulous!!!


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