
Friday, June 10, 2011

Flowers on the Deck

Hello, I hope everyone is having a wonderful SPRING!
The weather has definitely been beautiful and I have been taking advantage of it, that's why I have been absent for the last week.

I thought I would share a special spot for Mr. M. and I.

I am not sure when it happened, but one day I pulled two deck chairs together and asked him to sit and help me decide where to put a couple of small trees that needed transplanting.

Ever since that day, this is where the chairs have sat and it seems that each night my husband and I sit down and share a drink, be it a refreshing ice tea or an ice cold beer.


We sit and look at the back yard, talking about what we are going to do the next day, or watch the children as they run around and play.

I came across a picture that I wanted to show you how far our house has come.


This is what our home looked like as we were building it. 
Yep, NO landscaping at all. 
It was all farm fields before.

It is amazing when I see how much it has changed.
I know how much work was required because WE did it ALL ourselves!

This is some of the back yard.

Quite a transformation in 13 years.
It was not over night, that is for sure, and a majority of the flowers have only been done in the last 4 years.

Mr. M. would like to think that we are DONE!
Someone better tell him that he married a gardener and we garden for life.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Take the time to sit and enjoy yourselves.

I am sharing my gardens with Debra from Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday and  Cindy from My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday and Courtney from French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday.


Thanks for stopping by to visit.
Oh, remember those trees Mr. M. and I were trying to figure out where to move. 
Well, we still haven't, so I guess there will be more sitting this weekend!



  1. All your hard work is absolutely gorgeous. Have a great weekend.


  2. That is truly an amazing transformation. Your sitting place is divine. I love that long white wooden planter. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Oh my, it is amazing. You really are quite a gardener!

  4. Alaina,

    Simply beautiful. You have created a vintage home out of a new build. Your gardens are gorgeous. NJ building codes would make you put a railing around your deck.

    Have a good weekend!

    Your Friend,

  5. Oh my goodness, Your home and gardens, Gorgeous! I love everything about it, the style, the fence, and especially the pergola. We just added one to our back and left it natural. I couldn't decide if I wanted to paint it white, after seeing yours I am going to rethink that decision. Your chairs look like the perfect spot to relax in the evening. Thanks for sharing and happy weekend.

    The French Hutch

  6. Amazing Alaina! Your gardens are gorgeous and i know how much hard work that took! You are such a hard worker!!!
    Your home should be in a magazine!!! I love it!

  7. Alaina, that is AMAZING! I'm going to have to scroll back up and down about 50 more times to see the before and after. Why aren't you a professional landscaper????
    Fabulous. Do people who are walking by just stop and stare?

  8. You have an amazing home. I love it and the yard and surroundings are just beautiful. Tiff

  9. You two deserve the time to set and enjoy all that you've accomplished! What a wonderful spot. Your house has become such a beautiful family home. I love what you said about gardening "for life". perfect. xoxo Debra

  10. Back breaking labour, sweat , tears and joy, have brought this house to frutition. i remember you telling us last years of your garden labours, with truck loads of mulch, and flowers dug up and rescued.

    i especially like the brick and stone pathway.
    how enjoyable and rewarding it must be to sit in your two chairs, and relax, looking at the fruits of your labour!

    A toast, to a job well done! cheers!

  11. Oh, this is gorgeous!!! I was going to enter Kim's decks and porches meme next week, but now I know I am kidding myself. This is stunning! Don't feel sorry for me. We had a trac hoe in our yard 2 years ago for a huge addition and the backyard had to start from scratch. It does take years. That new construction picture is more where I am at. You have a beautiful yard and deck. Thanks for sharing.:)

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  14. Soo amazing all that you have done: those before shots REALLY make it obvious!!! IMPRESSIVE!!! And thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog a bit back; yes, I did find the lost school book - it was in the Playdough basket. :S

  15. Sorry, having trouble posting comments tonight. :S

  16. Well Ms. A time was on your side, it is amazingly beautiful. I can see myself sitting on your deck visiting you, and letting your garden inspire me :)

    You have a home to love.

  17. You are amazing!!!!! Unbelievable vision you have!!! I just love your pictures of your garden!!!



  18. Your home and landscaping are gorgeous! Great job on it all, and the inside is pretty too! You have great taste.
    ~ Julie


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