
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Time Away

No need to send out a search party, I'm not lost in the gardens either.

I spent the weekend in Pennsylvania visiting my BFF from high school.
To say that I had fun would be an understatement.

I laughed so much!
It fed my soul!

I wish that I did not have to wait another year until I go back.

Oh, and we shopped, and shopped and shopped, until we were both exhausted.
I found some wonderful treasures that I thought I would share with you.

I was able to find plenty of WHITES to add to my collection.
In fact, it seemed that we found almost everything we were looking for, and it became kind of a joke.

Some pocket watches for me to make some neat necklaces with.

I found lots of great architectural salvage, self brackets and corbels.

Pitchers, platters, buttons and wood oh my.

A cheap matching set of tureens just waiting for me to put my plants in.

I just love the little pitchers.
The column base is not too bad either.

I am thinking the shutter will work great for a new sign.

I think this pair is probably my favorite find. 
Don't you think they will look great in my gardens.

One thing I kept looking for was a swan at a reasonable price. 
No luck.

BUT, look what I found in my back yard yesterday a beautiful white goose.
Way better than a swan any day, I have this sinking feeling Mr. M. is not going to let me keep him.

 Oh and I found out that you have to go through some interesting towns to get to Paradise.

I hope you all are having a wonderful summer! 
I wish I could come and visit more, but my son's birthday is this weekend and I have so much to do.

Happy 4th.


  1. What a shopping dream come true...finding almost everything you wanted and more. I hope your schedule lightens up soon, I's love to see more of your garden! :-)


  2. Alaina,

    To get to Paradise you pass Intercourse and Bird in Hand! Glad you were able to feed your soul with kinship and laughter. Love your treasures! Did you discover them in shops and flea markets? If so, could you let us know where? I may be traveling in that area this summer.

    Happy birthday to your son. We just celebrated my mother's on Sunday!

    Your Friend,

  3. Paradise? east of Lancaster? We're only several miles east of that! lucky buys you picked up! Esther from Fleur Cottage

  4. WOW, look at all the amazing stuff you found!!!I LOVE the railing, the pitcher, and architectural salvage...heck I love all of your fantastic finds!!!!!

    Happy 4th of July and Happy Birthday to your son!!! ENJOY.

  5. did you bring a truck with you to haul home those railings? so happy for your lucky duck! from melissa

  6. Oh you lucky girl! I'm jealous of all your treasures and your laughing weekend with your bbf!!!
    Wonderful Alaina!
    Pamela xo

  7. Sounds like you had fun. Lovely blog!


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