
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall Weekends

Last weekend we took the kids for our annual visit to the Pumpkin Farm.

It was a rainy day and we figured that it would be slow, but we didn't figure it would be almost empty and the vendors went home early.
Oh well, we decided to stay, and they gave us a voucher to come back this week.

Two weeks ago we went to Letchworth State Park for a family get together.

It is a beautiful time of year and the weather turned out to be perfect.

We enjoyed hiking along the trails.
I had to keep reminding the little one;

There was plenty of food and even a playground for the kids to play on.

The falls were just beautiful, almost as much as my daughter.

This weekend Mr. M. is away for work again.
I am trying to get the house in Spooky order.

I love how the rat tail is dangling.

Crows are everywhere.

Glue gun blood, my favorite to use for Halloween.
Yes Karen that is an eye ball, a candy one.

It is starting to look a little SPOOKY around here.

I also wanted to say, I think Witchy poo has been casting a spell on my computer.
It seems I am not always able to post a comment. 
 I write the words, then when I push the publish comment.

 POOF, it disappears.

I have heard others are having this problem, so I am hoping Mr. M. the REAL computer guy will help me when he gets home......pretty please if you are reading this.


  1. Hi Alaina, looks like your outing was so much fun!
    Did you get a chance to read my post on "Troubleshooting"? This mess is a Google situation, I had to change to Google Chrome as my browser. Come over and check it out. xoxo

  2. I had forgotten that you decorate so well for Halloween. Love the skull with the eyeball hanging. Hope you got your commenting problem fixed. I haven't had that problem, but I switched to Chrome a few months ago to fix some other problems.


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