
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

To Puddle or Not

I am still working on that window problem.
I finally found some fabric I like the color and not too expensive.

So do you thing this is too much puddling?

Yeah, me too.
Actually that is extra fabric to make two more drapes.  
I was lucky enough to find faux silk in an off white at believe it or not Walmart.
So far I have 20 yards. 


I am thinking of doing pinch pleats.

This is not how I am going to hang the drapes.
I will install dark color drapery rods above the window.

I have these hanging in the living room to see if I like the look of the pinch pleats or just leave them plain.
I think I am only going to put up one panel per window to let in lots of natural light.

Every time I ask Mr. M. if he like the look, I get the 30 Rock Liz Lemon exaggerated eye roll.
 "what was wrong with the other window coverings?"

That's OK, he is used to me changing things up a bit.

So, what do you think?
To puddle or not?
Pinch pleat or plain?

I am joining My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures.


  1. No puddling. Pinch pleats for the amount of windows you have seems really zealous. You must be wanting a big project to do that!LOL

    Pinch pleats, are very high class? It is not the word or phrase I am looking for. So you don't want a relaxed look? Maybe more elegant? Is that it? Pinch pleats are very nice, I for myself could never do such a long project. Maybe one or two windows. You are very ambitious indeed.

    Go for it, if that is what you have in mind you better do it. The fabric is really elegant so why not? Are you going to line them?

  2. Not a puddling fan. Especially because cat hair balls waft out of the vents at all hours of the day. Otherwise--beautiful fabric!

  3. I like puddling because I don't it makes my life easier. I also prefer the relaxed look so no pinched pleats for me.

  4. I think they would look fantastic either way. I am doing some windows and I am thinking of using one panel on each side for more light instead of doubling it. They will be open most of the time anyway.

    What a great deal on them!! Walmart! Hurray!


  5. I love the look of puddled drapes, just so hard to pull it off in my home with the kids and dogs, can't wait to see your drapes all finished!

  6. I like the pinch pleats. I used to have puddled curtains in my previous house, but the cat would lay in the puddle and then pretty soon it was just a hairy mess. So no puddles anymore.

  7. I like this puddled drapes so much.Its perfect looking on window as well as Its pattern and design is too good and attractive. Also its very useful thing at home.


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