
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Treasures on a Thursday

I had to run some errands today.
On my way home, I stopped at one of my favorite antique dealers.
I am never disappointed when I visit.

He always has a white table or three for me.
He knows I can't leave them behind when he throws such good prices at me.

So, they all came home with me!

Come on, don't even tell me you would have left them behind.

Oh yeah, another chair. 
This chippy little white darling is going in my gardens.

Did you count them? 
I know you did.
Actually there are four tables there.
The iron tables are two separate ones.
Perfect for my deck!

Oh, I already told you.


How could I resist those casters.


That wood and white combination.

I can never resist these little drawer tables.
This little darling is the perfect size for an entry or any spot in my house for that matter.

Back to my errands, one stop I had to make was to have a mammogram.
OK ladies, I have to say that I was wrong, wrong, wrong, not to have done this four years ago.

Does it hurt?

Yeah, some.
 But I can handle a little pain that lasted a mere seconds each time they took the picture.
They only had to take 4 pictures.

I did not wait around for the results, they will call or send me a report.

I am here to say, if you are holding off on doing it because someone said it might hurt.
Stop waiting, get it done.
Maybe you will be rewarded with treasures too!

How is your day going?

Me, I'm off to clean some tables.
And put a dent in the 10 yards of mulch we had delivered yesterday.


  1. Love your tables! It's so hard to find cute tables anymore, especially at a good price!

  2. I am crazy about tables and chairs, too! I have a few chairs in my garden! These are great! Good for you getting the mammogram, I am due.


  3. I love those tables. The finish, beaten and worn on the first one is fantastic.

  4. Wonderful tables. Do you plan to keep them all? I just don't have a place for more things, so I window shop.

  5. Love the tables Alaina!!
    Hope your results are excellent!!

  6. i would have taken the metal ones for outside.........but I am sure I would have been crazy. Hope the mammogram goes well.

  7. Oh table problems seem to be a sure thing with women. My bestie has a table fetish- I keep asking her where will she put another one and she just smiles and it is somehow brought into the mix and it looks amazing.

  8. I love everything you brought home Alaina. I am in love with it all and if you had left it behind I would have worried about your sanity : ) They are perfect for your home.
    Good for you getting the mammogram. I am due again.
    You are going to be one tired puppy after spreading all that mulch...but it's the good kind of tired isn't it?
    sending hugs...


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