
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

White Garden

I was going t o try to create this flower bed last year but I was not able to convince Mr. M.
I think I will have better luck this year. 

Of course I am not done weeding the flower beds I already have,
 but that doesn't stop me from dreaming of new ones.

I found these on Google, but I can't find the original source or artist.

I would like to make at least one of these for my new garden.
I think I may have to put a call into my brother the carpenter.
I could let him help me make some for my birthday coming up.

I found this beautiful picture here and it is a garden full of inspiration.

This is almost how I want mine except for the wood enclosures. 
I even love the fountain but without a water source a statue may work better. 
I found this inspiration here by Goggling white gardens.

This is what I am thinking for the pathways, inspiration found here, love the green and white.

My planting list for the parterre gardens.

Each of the sections will have: 
One Snowball bush
One tall Arborvitae bush
Three Boxwood bushes
Three white Rose bushes
Three white Saliva plants
Three white Baby's breath plants
Three white Aster plants
Three white Delphinium plants
Three white Phlox plants

Also depending on the size and necessity I will also add in a variety of white annuals
 and maybe some grasses.

Now, this is only in dream form right now.
I have to slowly break it to Mr. M., who thinks I have enough gardens right now.
He does not understand, a gardener can not have too many gardens.

I am sharing this for White Wednesday with Kathleen from Faded Charm


  1. ~ sigh ~
    so beautiful...deaming right along with you!!

    and those chicken wire gowns ~ HELLO!!!
    if you should find one, please share where sweets!

    xo, Rosemary

  2. ...i just couldn't leave it alone ~ i'm inspired!!

    wish we lived closer so we could get together and spend an afternoon trying a combination of these tuts to make our own ethereal gowns!!

    i guess i'll have to try it alone...


  3. I hope your dream comes true, it will be a lovely garden! I love themed garden beds and I LOVE boxwood! I have my fingers crossed!


  4. love it Alaina! I'm going to have to pop back and jot down your planting list, because it's a good one.

  5. Hello
    The content article has actually peak my interest. I appreciate your post for actually opening my mind.

  6. I just know you will get your white garden Alaina. I used to have one, but soon color just had to creep in : )
    These are beautiful images!
    I went to a nursery yesterday and brought home some plants that said they wanted to come home to live with me, and like yours, are sitting in a protected area waiting to be planted. Have a wonderful time in the garden dear friend.
    sending hugs...

  7. Alaina,
    I so understand the 'gradual gardening' method. It's been raining for two weeks here. My yard looks like a jungle. I can't wait to got out and play in dirt.
    I adore your cat. Our Siamese cats are indoor only. Make sure your cat doesn't get a hold of your car keys. Maybe you should have named him Jinx {Remember him on SNL?}
    Your treasure hunting finds are unmatched in blog land. I LOVE that blue table.
    Incredible job on the canisters and bread box.
    Your Friend,

  8. Alaina,
    As I was lying in bed last night drifting off to sleep, I remembered the cat's name on SNL was Toonce!
    Have a great day!


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