
Thursday, July 26, 2012

A New Way to Read

I was excited to get home from work yesterday.
There was a package waiting for me.

 A Kindle Fire

A new way to read in bed.
Or anywhere I want.

While the kids were at bible camp, Mr. M. and I played with my new toy.
You would think that Mr. M., being the computer guy and all would have all the latest tech toys.
We don't even own a cell phone, the one he has is for work.

I am hoping to find a neat case like this one here.

And a pretty shell like this.

I kind of figured that since I am not going to escape baseball anytime soon in the next 10-15 years, 
I might as well enjoy myself while I am there.

Saturday is the LAST DAY OF BASEBALL.
It is an all day event.
Mr. M. finally gets to play instead of coaching.
The tournament starts at 9:00 and he has a chance of playing 5 games, all in one day.

So, happy me has loaded lots of books, magazines and games to occupy myself.
I may let the kids play a game or two.

How about you?
Are you a Kindle or Nook reader?

Does anyone have any books they would like to recommend to add to my reading list?


  1. I'm a Kindle reader since I got one for Christmas last year. I didn't think I would like it, but I LOVE it! I'm reading one of the 99 cent books right now - The Girl Who Came Home (about a girl on the Titanic and what happens when she survives and no one else she knows does). It's really good so far. Before that I read Jenny Lawson's Let's Pretend This Never Happened which is sort of a satirical autobiography of The Bloggess. You would want to check out her blog before you get the book though, because she has a certain type of humor that isn't for everyone. Have fun with your reader!

  2. I tried a Kindle last year. I guess I just missed holding the actual book in my hand. But most people seem to love them.

  3. I have a Nook and love it! I still read books but love the convenience of ordering books whenever I want!

    Hope you are having a wonderful summer! :)


  4. I have a Nook and I LOVE it! My hubby got me a Nook and a Kate Spade cover/holder to go with it for Mother's Day this year. It is the best because I'm such a book and magazine junkie, it's ridiculous! Now I can read virtually! lol Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!


  5. I've so enjoyed my visit here tonight...I LOVE your craft is so pretty! I LOVED seeing all of your blooms and I really LOVED seeing your family...the baseball brings back such good memories!


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