
Friday, July 20, 2012

Where I Create 2

The pictures in the last post were supposed to be from last years' Where Blogger's Create.
And really nothing had changed until last week.
I made a few adjustments.
I found that having the desk on the front wall made it very difficult to see the computer after 8:00 in the morning.
I could have put up a curtain would be the easy way.

I don't always do the easy way.
I decided to rearrange the room around totally.
I did that last year and accidentally knocked over the hard drive.

This time I was smart.
I smiled sweetly at Mr. M. (the computer guy) and asked if he would please help me move the room around.
Let me tell you, he did not wine at all, he was full of "yes dears, anything for you!"

Yep, you guessed it, he was doing some butt kissing.

See, I finally caved in and he knew he was going on Monday to pick up his new truck.
The man is still on cloud nine.

Anyway, I managed to convince him to not only move the computer, we moved the HUGE cabinet to the basement.
As much as I loved it, it was not doing much good for storage in the office.
Let me tell you a secrete, I have a cute corner cabinet I have my eye on that I may just put in that very same spot.
But, that is another day.

This is the quote I painted above the door on the inside of the office a couple of months ago.

This is the corner where the large cabinet was.

A music sheet inspiration board.
I originally made it for a sale I had a couple of years ago, but I decided I liked it too much.
So, I kept it.

Black and white, old books, worn children's shoes and buttons.
A few of my favorite things.

This shelf and dresser were originally from my first shop.
I moved them twice before putting them back in their original spot.
I am a visual person, I have to see it to know if it is going to work or not.

The baskets on the shelves are great for holding paper and other necessities in my office.
The glass jars come in handy for holding ribbons, buttons and thread.

In this corner I moved my little secretary and a chair for relaxing and reading.
And for children to wait patiently for their turn at the computer.

A little chair I found at a flea market several years ago. 

I just love this old hat form.
It is holding one of my vintage top hats.

Pretties on the desk.

As you can see the bright morning light can be very blinding.
Now that the sun shine is to the side of my computer screen I have no problems seeing the computer.

This is how the room looks at 7:00 at night, still lit up by the light from the windows.

Fresh Hydrangeas and Phlox from my gardens.

A favorite little hand made cabinet.

This room is only 9x11.
I am standing in the doorway taking this picture.

I thought I would amuse you and show you the other space where I create.
Another small room, this is 6 1/2x9 and is located in the basement.
On the left side is the kids' play room and on the right is a door to a closet.
I have my work table, a large shelf on top, filled with lots of different craft items for me and the kids.
On the opposite wall there is a narrow dresser filled with more little bits of whatnot.
I do my sewing here, sometimes.
If it is a big job, I move the sewing machine upstairs to the kitchen table.

Arbor views from my office window. 

Thanks for stopping by.

After working extra hours at work this week, I can think of nothing better than visiting my blogging friends.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!


  1. What a wonderful space to create in and it has lovely views to the outside. You have many of my favorite things displayed as well. Very fun!

  2. What a great space! I love all that natural light! Love that porch column and your great chandy over your chair.

  3. Great creative space, so light and airy and beautifully decorated! Just love the view from your office window.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Wonderful! I love all the creamy whites and your lovely little treasures spread here and there. You have inspired me to go pick some flowers from my own garden and bring them in...your hydrangeas look so lovely in that bucket. Thanks so much for visiting my site as well and for your lovely comments.

  5. My cabinet is in the basement now? I still love the room though. You have such fun stuff hanging around you while you work. Love that cabinet above your computer. It looks like a porch column.


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