
Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Day at the Flea Market

Twice during the summer there is a small flea market in a small town a few minutes from my home.
In fact, there was a time back then when my kids were small that I had a shop with my best friend in the same small square of the flea market.

I miss my shop and my friend.

Anyway, I still try to go.


I always manage to find a treasure or two or three or more!

I love these vintage suitcases.  
The vendor sold them together for a great price.
It helps when you know most of the vendors by name.
They know you know how much something is usually worth and how much they can charge.

and more!

I could not have found a more perfect chippy, white, distressed piece.
It was the first treasure I bought.
I am hoping it will fit in the kids bathroom as a vanity.

Beautiful ironstone double handled container.
Perfect for a plant.

A phone for Mr. M.
It works.
He says that he can never find a phone when he needs them.
What can I say, there are both good and bad aspects of cordless phones.

A great vintage black suitcase, just the right black for Halloween.

I love the worn look.

Even though the weather was perfect, there were not too many vendors.
I was happy though.
I even called Mr. M. to join me with the kids, they can handle a small flea.
You see, the little guy, he is just NOT a shopper!
I asked Mr. M. where he may have gotten that trait from.
Mmmmm...I know a certain husband who just rolls his eyes when I ask him to come shop with me.

Oh well, I enjoy my own company.
I can walk as fast or slow as I want.
I don't stop and look at things that don't interest me.

So do you take your Mr. flea marketing with you?
Does he like to go?
How about the kids?

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day.


  1. I have a serious suitcase fetish right now. I have gathered up as many as you, and started painting them with chalk paint. So far I don't like the colours I chose, but I will repaint.....


  2. great suitcases those usually are $25 apiece around here sometimes more

    like seeing them and the jars of buttons I am working on a button project now

    the chippy shabby old piece of furniture was a good find also have fum playing with all of it

  3. My Mr. does go with me..... and it seems to work! He strolls down the aisle ahead of me letting me poke at my will. Cells phones work for us when I suddenly look up and don't see him. Cracks me up when we are still talking on the phone, trying to figure who's where, when suddenly between vendors we spy each other. Still with the phone to our ears and then a grin comes on our faces!! My kids are grown so we are in a different season than you. But what you found at this flea is fabulous! The chippy chest.. lovely! And looking at the black suitcase and thinking Halloween. You're way ahead of me! I just saw suitcase!


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