
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Better Than a Rock Star

This weekend we celebrated my husband's fire company field days.
It is something we look forward to each year.

Great food.
Fire truck parade.
Fried dough.

If you are lucky you might get to meet your hero.

I was sitting at a table in the fire hall waiting for Mr. M. to get ready to go home.
My oldest son Chase ran up to me.
He had a look on his face like he had seen a super star.

Like Justin Bieber, maybe.

No, even better.

"MOM," he said, "I am sitting next to THE DEPUTY SHERIFF!"

Story of picture found here.

The pure excitement on his face.
Well I had to do something about this.
I grabbed Mr. M. and told him to introduce his son to the Deputy.
Mr. M. and the deputy went to school together when they were kids.

Mr. M. introduced the Deputy to all three of our children.
You could just see the joy on Chase's face.

I was standing behind my son when he shook the deputy's hand.
With a grin so large on his face, he turned to me and said, " I am never washing my hand again."

Such a special comment, I could not keep it to myself.

I told the Deputy what my son had said.

He needed to know.

He needed to know he was my son's hero.

Not a rock star.
Not a sports star.
Not a movie star.

Even better.

A man who risks his life every day to protect those around him.

A Deputy Sheriff.


  1. OH SO MUCH BETTER! So glad to hear something like that out of a young boy's mouth.

  2. Alaina,
    Your story touched my heart this morning and made me smile. I believe more children would look up to our everyday heroes if parents exposed them to such as much as they do TV.
    Your Friend,
    PS. Be sure to enter my giveaways!

  3. that's the BEST kind of hero!! what a precious kiddo you have!! Happy Sunday, Alaina

  4. Oh Alaina,
    What an awesome story!!! I was tearing up just reading this!
    Hope you have a great day.

  5. Oh, this is so sweet. You must be a proud mother!


  6. Hi!

    My name is Katie and I work for Shabby Apple. If you've never heard of us, we're a company that features unique, vintage-inspired clothing and accessories. Feel free to check us out at I was clicking around your blog, and I would love to set up a Shabby Apple dress giveaway for your readers! If you're interested in doing that, just contact me at the email address below and we'll get started. I hope to hear from you soon!

    Thanks so much,

    Katie Duncan
    Shabby Apple

  7. What a great story!! So special! :)

  8. Oh Alaina, I have got to have my husband read this post. It would make him smile. Before he retired as a police officer last March, that was one of his favorite things, was to see the faces of the children when he walked or drove by in his patrol car. When one of our grandsons was little, he would tell everyone his grandpa was a 'whoo whoo man' He called him that because of the sound of the sirens on their cars : )

    When you wrote in your comment about you not getting things done in your garden this year, I was thinking to myself, 'Alaina is doing the most important thing in the world while her garden goes without water'. When I was your age and had children home, I never had anything but a vegetable garden. I am a true believer that there is a time for everything. Before you know it there won't be anymore ball games, no more going to the zoo and not many trips to the beach, so enjoy this time to the utmost sweet friend!
    sending hugs your way...

  9. What a cute story! And so much better than a rock star:). I hope you are enjoying summer! BTW I am looking to the right, I LOVE your slate patio, it is beautiful. I am doing a giveaway this week on my blog to the ecourse Creatively Made Home, pop over & check it out. Have a great Sunday, Jen

  10. That is so cool! I love how children re-teach us and offer us a new perspective every day. What would we ever do without them to remind us how precious life is!


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