
Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

I guess it is a really good thing I asked Santa for a camera this year.

My camera is broke.
I can't get the zoom to work.
Nothing is in focus.

Here are some pictures I managed to salvage.

This snowy picture is from Friday.
Arbor House lane all covered in snow.
We were all happy to see snow on the grown.
It makes it feel so much more like Christmas.

I was able to upload some of the pictures that turned out ok.
This is the new tree in the basement.
I decorated it in golds.
Normally I would say I am not a gold person but I really like it.

The dinning room is all ready for guests to arrive.

My favorite snow angels hanging in the hallway.

The living room Christmas tree seen through a mirror in the room.

The mantel in the kitchen.
My white amaryllis is almost in full bloom.

An urn filled with silver and white ornaments on the kitchen island.

Christmas in the kitchen.
All of my lights are on timers and the trees are lit up each morning as I come downstairs. 
This is what I am greeted with as I get ready for each day as I make my morning coffee.

Thank goodness Santa said I might be able to open a certain Christmas present early.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, me, I have to work today, but I am thankful for a wonderful husband who can stay home with the kids and get our home ready for Christmas Eve guests.

Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

  1. Your home is beautiful! I've not decorated a thing...but sure enjoy see others decorations. Warm hugs, Esther


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