
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day.

Mr. M. and I cooked for a Mother's Day brunch.
We had a wonderful time, as I always do when I spend time with family.

After everyone left, Mr. M. and the kids took me to the nursery to look at some trees.

I think I have narrowed down the search.

This is a Brandywine Crab Apple tree.
The buds look like little roses before they bloom.

I could look at this picture all day long.
A whole tree of rosebuds!

All but one of the trees was sold out at the nursery.  
Mr. M. was not as enamored with the tree as I was and he liked the Prairiefire Crab Apple better.
I may just have to buy one for me and the other tree for him.

Part of being a MOM is just letting your kids try new things.

Today we had hail on and off again throughout the day.
My little guy said he had never seen the stuff and could he run around outside in it.
I told him sure, he thought it was funny to have the hail pelting him on the back.

That is what being a MOM is about.
Experiencing the little things that make them smile.

I hope all you moms, daughters, granddaughters had a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. My kids used to call hail summer snow! I hope you had a great Mothers Day



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