
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It'sGetting A Little Spooky Around Here

Hey, did you think I disappeared or something?

Na, just busy, busy, busy.
School, work and DIY.

I did take a few days to get the boxes out of the attic.
It is time to get 

I have done only about half the decorations this year.
We are up to our 
in painting, sanding, and getting our addition finished before the snow falls.
It's Buffalo, we don't have much time.

Sadly to say, there will be no Halloween party this year, for kids or adults.
But, that's ok, at least I keep telling myself it is.

I know, I know, we have to get this addition finished first.
The two things that make me feel better are;
One- we will be having one hell of a party next year.
Two- I already have a Christmas tree picked out to put in front of the french doors in the garage.

Yep, this holiday has not even passed and already I am thinking of the next.
Crazy like that.

My son helped me get the decorations out.
I told him it is like Christmas morning for me when I open the containers.

I only have to get the lights in the windows, go through a couple more totes to pick out my favorites and then let the haunting begin.

The kids have their Halloween costumes picked out.
Again, I am feeling let down because I do not get to pick one out for myself.
I can always use an old one to take the kids out on Halloween night.

The weather has been wonderful here.
The leaves are turning beautiful colors.
Fall is such a great season.

We still have our screen windows on and I keep them open on my days off.

This guy is the only decorationg I wish I could leave up all year long.

This is a picture from last years kids Halloween party.
I like to go back and see how I decorated the year before.
What will I keep the same and what will I change.

The skeletons have already taken up residence in the dinning room.

The crows are everywhere.

You would think we have all the time in the world to be hanging around.

Mr. M. says I am working him to death.
From the looks of this guy, I better let him take a break.

We have already drywalled, painted and tiled the mudroom and laundry room.
The wood floor will be delivered next week. 
Then we have to install it just like we did the living room and study.
ALL 720 ft of it.

Don't even ask when we will get to the garage.
That is waiting for Spring, at least the drywall is up and it will make it warmer for the winter.

Ok, break is over.
There is painting to be done.

How, about you?
Are you ready to get SPOOKY?

Linking with

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I am just amazed that you two are doing all that work yourselves. Love your eyeball plates. So simple yet so spooky!

  2. Everything looks real nice and spooky. I love that sign above the mantle.

  3. Absolutely fantastic!!!! LOVE IT ALL! Following along now! Hope you will stop by my blog and see my older Halloween posts too, I have a few links on my sidebar. I will be starting to post my 2013 Halloween this year. I also think getting into the Halloween is like Christmas!
    Amber @junkaholicsunanimous

  4. Wow! You have the best Halloween decorations ever!! Love it all (especially the cute candy corn guy :)

  5. Thanks for sharing at wow. This will be featured tonight!

  6. Oh my goodness, everything looks awesome! I cannot decorate like that at home, the kids and hub would be so freak out! but I love it! Stopping by from Wow.

  7. Oh, Alaina, I can always count on you for such fun Halloween decor! Can't wait to see your addition all complete, It's OK, that's a BIG deal! I'll be featuring all this at Be Inspired this week!

  8. Love your spooky Halloween decor Alaina and just had to pin it! Thank you for sharing. I'm currently sharing some black & white Halloween decor too on my blog. Coming over from Debra's Be inspired Friday party btw-
    Happy Halloween!
    P.S. I want your awesome garden witch silhouette!

  9. I am loving your decorations and wish we could have things decorated like this for longer than one month.
    I had to laugh when you talked about 720 feet of flooring. That is larger than my entire last house!
    (so how did I collect so much stuff in this house?)

  10. I'm over from Debra. I love your Halloween decoration. It's just fabulous!!!

  11. it's all so fabulous, alaina! love the eyes on the plates:)

  12. This is amazing! I'm sharing on my FB page and pinning!
    Jamie @

  13. Love your candy corn guy too, great displays!

  14. Your Halloween decor is fabulous! Those eyeballs crack me up, but I'm a sucker for a huge crow in a chandy. Spooky!


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