
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Enjoy Life

 Well of course.

I have no set resolutions.
I have no word of the year.


The other night I told the kids the motto of the day is;

They thought that was hilarious and what is tomorrow's motto.
I love to find fun quotes on Pinterest to put on the chalk board.

Some of my favorites.

So true.  Each day you wake up is a day to start fresh.  Put on a smile.

Memories are a wonderful thing.
I like this.
Hey that's me!

After being on vacation for two whole weeks, they have had enough of each other. One day back to school and now a snow day.  
Me, I'm going to work.

For my children today.

Do your chores.
Read your books.
Play some games.
Watch some movies.
Be happy.

Today's party is with Marty from A Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday.
  Thank you Marty for the invite, I'll be wearing my sparkly party dress.


  1. Perfect post. I would love for you to link up to my Inspire Me Tuesday party - - - Hugs, Marty

  2. Love this! Great quotes, and a great attitude! :)

  3. Hi girl!
    We over hère ...(daughter and I ) love quotes, sayings, e-cards and such. It's always so creative to see what quote inspires a day. Love your post and will copy some of yours adding them to mine :)

    Thank you beautiful for sharing your time over at my place, you always joy my heart with comments left.
    Have a beautiful week my friend, see you soon.



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