
Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Mother's Books

When my mother died we all gathered at our childhood home to clean.
We learned many things those few weeks.
We laughed.
We cried.
We moved on.

We also took home some of my mother's things.
To remember.
To stay connected.
To Love.

I took some of my mother's books.
She loved to read.
She passed on that love to read to me.

But these were not that kind of books.
They were vintage books.
These were books for decorating.

I have many different colors, blues, greens, browns, blacks and reds.
I choose a color for each of the seasons.

Books look wonderful all piled up

This was last year's mantel for Valentine's Day.

St. Patrick's Day.

Books, lovely to look at all piled up.


  1. That is a wonderful gift to give from mother to daughter I'm sorry for your loss.

    Your arrangements are beautiful! The green and white one makes my heart go pitter patter. So pretty! xoxo ♣

  2. I'm sorry you don't have your little mother with you but her books look lovely in your home and will always give you a little sweetness of her.
    Be a sweetie,

  3. I remember that amazingly beautiful mantle. Passing on a love of books is one of the best things a mother can do.

  4. I'm so glad you got your mom's books! I would think that having them to decorate with gives you a lot of comfort.
    I went back and saw your post of the lights in your master bedroom and all I can say is WOW that's pretty!!!!!!!!
    sending hugs...

  5. Those book are precious in more ways than one. I like to see book used in decorating but they are even better when they have a personal history behind them.


  6. Your mother's books add so much to your decorating style. They add meaning.
    This is a lovely post.


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