
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas in the Dining Room

Let's peek into the dining room.

I have it all set and ready for dinner.

The stockings are hung from the mantel, no fireplace in site.

Silver is the main color in this room.

I have added a little aqua to the tree for some extra color.
There are a few wrapped presents under the tree.
I caught my youngest son checking out the presents.
I told him it was OK to look, but not to open.

There are small and medium disco balls hanging from the chandelier.
The room looks almost like it is snowing inside when the sun shines in.
Little lights everywhere.

A simple center piece for the dining room table.

The kids love to eat dinner by Christmas tree light.

I had to move one of my slip covered wing back chairs in here from the living room,
to make room for the tree.

School will be finished this week and I can get some of my extra time back.
I can't wait to relax next week and spend time with the family.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful time getting ready for Christmas.
I know I am.


  1. *Dining*, not dinning. I counted 3, but there may be more.

    1. All fixed thanks. Hey did you see Anne's too. I think she did too.

  2. Your dinning room is sure one place that I would love to eat. I'm sure the kids love the glow at meal time. I'm new to your blog love it . Thanx, Jo

  3. Thank you. I used to blog more but more hours at work and going back to school got to me. I am hoping to blog more over the holidays. I hope to do a lot more sewing, paint and everything more in the next year. Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful Christmas. Alaina

  4. Every single ornament looks fairy


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