
Thursday, April 22, 2010

How To.......Make A Mosaic

I have been asked by several people how to make a MOSAIC.  I will gladly share how I did this because I love it when another blogger gives out easy tips on how to make something for my blog.  I am going to try to explain this as simple as possible, if I loose anyone, please leave a comment or email me and I will try to help.

First go and take pictures of what you want your mosaic to be about or look through the ones you already have.  You are going to need anywhere from 36 to 5 pictures, depending on the mosaic.

You will need to have a website that will host your pictures.  I used this can be free for the mosaic you need to make.  I received a comment fromAnne- Fiona and Twig and she said that has a super easy mosaic/collage maker on their site and I received a comment from Olivia and Me and she uses picasa, I have not tried either yet, but you are more than welcome to try either one, thanks Anne.  Special note: you can make your pictures private so no one else can use them if you are worried about privacy. 

You will have to upload your pictures into flickr, I found out there is a limit to how much memory they will take in one month.  I have been cut off already this month but I know I was able to upload over 30 pictures, more than enough to make a mosaic.

Go ahead and create a flickr file then start uploading your pictures, flickr is basic and walks you through the steps.  There are other people's pictures there, however they are not always willing to share if you do not share and many I found out are " © all rights reserved" then under no circumstances are you allowed to publish the photo without the owners permission.  So it is generally best to use your own pictures.  

Set your flickr account to upload a bunch of pictures at a time.  This may take a while so you can go do some painting (in my case) or laundry, make dinner or whatever makes you happy.

Now that you you have your pictures uploaded you will want to go to and go to Mosaic Maker.  The first choice is to choose a layout: for mine I used 4x4 with large center.  The other change I made was to change the space between images to: 0 but that was my choice. 

This is the 4x4 with larger center tile:
This is an example of a 4 column by 2 rows:

Now click on Choose Photo: this will give you a choice, this is where the flickr comes in, click on that and it will automatically show your photos.  Easy huh.  The first Choose Photo box is the Large box in the middle of the mosaic.

Pick out a picture and go to the next Choose Photo and do the same, and repeat, and repeat, now you have it.  If you pick the wrong photo, don't worry just re-click on the photo and you can change it. Whew thought you made a mistake.  Now hit create.

Now don't you just love it, or not, this is when you decide if you like certain pictures.  If you don't like any of it or just a certain picture, click edit at the top and it takes you back to the page you were originally working on  If you do like it, at the bottom of the page it shows you the HTML and you can save the html in your blog in a picture under add a gadget.  Or if your computer has the option you can save in files, that is what I did, I just right clicked on my mouse and save picture as: and I saved it in my pictures files. 

I hope I have made this simple enough for you to enjoy doing for yourself.  If there is any part that you do not understand, do not hesitate to send me an email or shoot me a comment and I will help you the best I can. 

I also hope to see lots of new Mosaics on MOSAIC MONDAY at The Little Red House.


  1. Hey! I shared you on facebook! Wait did I already tell you that? I'm losing track. Anyway thanks for the tutorial...thanks a whole stinking lot. I can't keep ignoring all of these techie things and claim ignorance if you are going to tell me how to do them AND make it easy. Are you trying to run me off???

  2. Blossom dear, I was asked and so I delivered on the how to. You do not have to do it just because it is there to be done, remember you are an instigater, pretend I crossed that out and put in initiator, because you know you are both. HAHAHA- that is me cracking myself up.

    And yes you did say you shared on fb and I said ok.

    Before I forget, are you in a part of Texas that I have to worry about you with the tornadoes? Saw it on the news and was just wondering.

  3. I've been dying to know how to do these. Thanks so much for all the I'm off to see how well I can follow directions.

  4. Thanks for the tutorial...I'm trying it out now ;-)

  5. Yes, tornadoes are a possibility for us today so we have decided to stay home and get some work done instead of being on the road an hour and a half for swim class. DID YOU HEAR where I said "GET THINGS DONE"? Yep, so if you see me on here today could you please tell me to get lost?

    Also, love your comment message sooo funny!

  6. Hi Alaina!
    Are you familar with
    They have a super easy mosaic/collage maker on their site, too!

    Have a wonderful Thursday!

  7. Thank you for stopping by and for you sweet comment... you have a lovely blog! will follow...also so glad I found you on this post really been wanting to know how to do a mosaic thanks...

  8. Hey... I just wanted to let you know that I use Picasa via google.. and it's a dream to use I love it.

    with love,

  9. Alaina I really needed your last comment....I just drove home after a week of not sleeping well....and no caffeine. I sleep on the lumpy pull out bed so kayti can get her best sleep....(not sleeping is apart of brain injury) so she needs a good I am here and have to got to the grocery store to get cook. YUCK. I could cry.... thanks for your nice comments...and by the way she really does appreciate this. She tells me all the time.


  10. I'm sorry you had such a terrible week and I hope your weekend is better. I am glad you know your daughter appreciates what you are doing for her, because believe me she will remember this forever. I am going to email you my home #, you may call me any time if you really need to talk instead of the computer. I am not so sure of our time zone difference, I know California is 3 hours behind, I have a girlfriend there. Enjoy your family, mosaics and all that silly stuff can wait. It is your chatting that I love the best, You are THE BERRIES. Talk to ya later, I would say have fun grocery shopping but I hate it too.

  11. I'm sorry you had such a terrible week and I hope your weekend is better. I am glad you know your daughter appreciates what you are doing for her, because believe me she will remember this forever. I am going to email you my home #, you may call me any time if you really need to talk instead of the computer. I am not so sure of our time zone difference, I know California is 3 hours behind, I have a girlfriend there. Enjoy your family, mosaics and all that silly stuff can wait. It is your chatting that I love the best, You are THE BERRIES. Talk to ya later, I would say have fun grocery shopping but I hate it too.


I enjoy each and every comment you leave. Thanks for stopping by.