
Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Paint Therefore I Am

      Show and Tell Friday is about different paint jobs I have done in my home.   Please join me for Show and Tell Friday at     My Romantic Home.

Those of you who have been to my blog before know I like to paint, but I do not just like to paint
FURNITURE, some of the walls in our house have 4-5 coats of paint on them.  I have also been known to  paint a floor or two as you will see in the following pictures. 

First I will tell you that I do not use rollers or tape, every thing is all by hand.  Mr. M.did help with the lining but the rest was all ME and I love every minute of it.

The first time I ever tried to paint diamonds was on the front porch.  Dark blue and white, they took me quite awhile to finish but I love the end result.  

I love to paint stripes, diamonds, checker board and an occasional lattice.  I have tried my hand at faux painting.  My way may not be text book, but if I like it, then so what.  Here are some pictures of my painting:

This is the front porch.
Painting of the porch did cause many of Mr. M's firemen friends to comment that his wife was crazy.
Hence the reason I like all of these wonderful blog women.  I have found a place where I fit in.
And yes I did do the steps.

This is the entrance to our kitchen from the mud room, I had to distract people from seeing how small it was, or that in this tiny space we have 3 doors.  So I painted lattice on the walls.
Someone must be in the bathroom DO NOT ENTER.
A very small space as you can see.  Ok, now imagine me on a ladder holding a REAL piece of lattice up to the wall and tracing each and EVERY little square of the lattice.  You got it ALL by hand.  I NEVER said I did anything the easy way.  I do it MY way.

The downstairs hallway.
 The color is called Everyday Green (old Martha Stewart color) and Fine White (also Martha Stewart).
Upstairs hallway, same colors different pattern.  The hats are some of a collection of my Mother's that I inherited.

The dinning room.
This is a glaze (Ralph Lauren) I wiped on and off until I was satisfied.  This is the latest room that I have painted so I still have some walls that need some shelves or plates.  I am not sure that is why it is still bare.

This is the third floor, also posted in previous post The Littlest Room.
I used the same (Ralph Lauren) glaze but in a different way, more of a vertical than the circles I used in the dinning room or master bedroom.
Yes I am one of those people who paints their outlets and light switches.  In my house it would drive me crazy not to see them either stand out (I have covered some in pretty pictures) or painted to match the wall.
More of my Mother's hats.
Oh and don't forget my favorite part, the floor.
The master bedroom.
  This is one of the rooms that has at least 5 coats of paint.  The original paint treatment was too dark, so I started all over again with the base coat and went with a lighter shade of glaze (Ralph Lauren).
I did not follow any particular directions or copy anyone, sort of wax on, wax off, until I reached the look I wanted. I love it and I will hate to leave it when our new master bedroom is finished.
Not yet anyway, the room is still in the planning stages.

Thanks for stopping by.
Now that you have seen my Show and Tell Friday, make sure you stop back and see all the others.


  1. Alaina, I really, really wish you lived about ten states closer. I NEED YOU!!! For real, I'm going to use your porch paint technique on my kitchen floor.

    Posting this before the lightning takes me out...I'll be back!

  2. Never would have noticed the bounce house had you not pointed out, I swear. It fits in perfectly, really. Ok now, let's talk porch floor colors.
    I think it's time that I post some pics of my UNFINISHED kitchen and get some advice from the talents of bloggerville. You in?

  3. Also, don't you virtually landscape your followers yards for free? That's the rumor going around. (I started it.) Anyway sign me up for that too.

  4. I am officially blown away!!! You are kidding me, you painted all that by hand! A-mazing. Your downstairs hallway stripes are almost identical to the ones I've done in our dining area and entry foyer.

  5. Blossom, I would love to help you with the kitchen floor. I will help with the gardening also, you just have to decide, budget and how much maintenance do you really want to do in your yard. Mine is pretty high. If I were closer, you could have one of all of mine, they are multiplying fast. That's when I tell Mr. M. time for a new garden to put all the new little seedlings.

  6. Alaina
    You are officialy the crazy one...only someone who loves painting would go to all that ever you did to your walls in the bedroom looks amazing, and the lattice.....that's where crazy fits it. BUT, I like that you do it your way.....YAY.

    Meanwhile I am sitting here thinking about a post....and I am too tired to think...much less figure out this blog day thing I have to join something?

  7. By the way did you know we own a Benjamin Moore paint store??? I think you should own the paint store....I have gallons of paint sitting in my basement ready for the walls....uh yah, that is not happening soon.

  8. Berries my dear, do not think I will no visit your blog if you are not doing special days. Talk, tell us about you, what you plan to do when you have more time for yourself. Or look at all the fun blogs out there for inspiration or to make you laugh. I wish I was closer to help you. I like you just the way you are, just so you know you are even funny when tired. I hope you get your rest this weekend.

  9. OK, I'm hiring you! Come on down, I provide room and board and you can paint any wall you want!!! You have done a fabulous job. Each one is amazing. The diamonds, the stripes, the lattice, girl, you are a pro! Love it!

  10. I love the porch! That is fantastic. Love the lattice paint job too, and the stripes. Wow. Your home is beautiful and because you work so hard on it. I absolutely hate painting. But now you are inspiring me. I really know I should paint my concrete front porch. Now I think I will get off my fanny and do it. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I have been revived. A little food, a little Billy Joel....whooo hooo I am off.

  12. Your painting is amazing! Just love the front porch!!! I am looking for a white wall color for my entry (Martha), any favorites? Have a wonderful Friday!!!

  13. I love what you did with the front porch....are you for hire? I have a patio that really needs your touches.

    I've been a domestic goddess this week ...making new SOUTHWEST CURTAIN TIE-BACKS Stop by for a visit and viewing if you can find time! Have a great weekend.

  14. Risk taker, you! I just started painting. No lie. Never did it before and I'm 46!!! Ahhh!

    Those walls, those floors, that bouncy are a crazy woman! Is that new MB an addition???

    You are an arteest IMHO! Everything looks unique and beautiful!

    You're very talented with the paint brush. And I might also add that you are VERY patient. "Tis a gift, you know"!


  15. First off... BILLY JOEL??? Amen to that.

    Secondly, Alaina Sweetie...who do ya love? Me right??? Can I pretty please use a picture of your porch on my post for today? I'll link back of course. Batting my lashes, if that helps any?

  16. I can only imagine how much time all your painting projects took. It was well worth it as they are are wonderful. My favorite is the porch.

  17. Loving your blog!! Your photos are wonderful! I love collecting old mirrors and you have some fabulous ones!

  18. What a nice blog
    I love al your hats
    I wil follow your blog and come back
    to visite you
    I wish you a very lovely weekend
    Yolanda (netherlands)

  19. Is their a frugal friday.....i got something to add.....

  20. Your home is just beautiful! I love the diamonds on the just don't get it!

  21. Blossom, yes you should post your before kitchen photos if you want blog advice. And if you are looking for a cheap quick idea, then forsure paint, and you can always tile or wood over it. I will give you some tips if you decide to do it.

    Berries, yes I do remember you own a paint store. To bad you are so far away, I could come work for you or paint your house while you work. Don't be so hard on yourself, it will get done.

  22. Wow, I'm so impressed! They all look so beautiful! I can't even decide which is my favorite!!!


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