
Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Little Whiter Shed

Thanks for joining me for Show and Tell Friday with Cindy at My Romantic Home.

I thought I would show you some of the progress I have done on the SHED. 

Wednesday I decided to give painting the shed a start, July 4 is going to be here before I know it and I do NOT like to be unprepared for a party.  My youngest son and I carried all of the painting supplies to the shed and then we started to make room to paint, or rather I worked and he asked a lot of questions.  I had planed on using a roller to make it go faster than if I used my usual 2 1/2 angle brush.  My plan was to start trimming and then go back and forth between the roller and angle brush.  Well.....that is not how it worked out, yep the whole thing was painted using my handy dandy angle brush.  Surprisingly it only took me two days and I only worked a half day each time.  I had more fun because I did not have to worry about getting paint on the floor and I was able to let my 3yr old paint too. 

We had some fun conversations; how to paint, first paint up and then paint down, not scrubby all over.  He repeated the paint up, paint down many, many, many times.  I think I finally had to distract him with a snack break and he played in the yard for awhile.  We also talked about how dad was going to call mom CRAZY for painting the shed WHITE, that was Wednesday.  Thursday I'll be gosh darned if the little comedian didn't ask me if dad called me CRAZY.  He also said how much dad was going to be so proud because we were doing such a good job.  I agreed, it was easier than explaining that DAD does not bother to argue with mom when she has painting on her mind. 

Here are a few pictures of the before and afters.  Now please keep in mind I have only just painted the walls and there is still a lot more crap storage items that need to be moved to the garage.

Now you can actually see the floor.  I am trying to decide if I am going to paint the floor.  I know I can not do white, it is STILL a SHED!  But, I am still thinking of doing a checkerboard pattern in medium tone gray and a blue tone, of course I still have to be creative about this.  Look how much brighter it looks with the walls white. 

See, now doesn't the chandelier look so much happier against the white walls.

Ha ha, you were probably thinking WHO puts a chandelier in a SHED.  ME and look there are TWO!

The furniture looks much better against the white too.

Now I have to finish the floor and decide if I am going to paint the ceiling too! 

Thanks for stopping by, let me know if you think I should paint the ceiling, it looks just like the walls did before they became white.  Oh and stay tuned, I still have to furnish it and put my decorating touch on it.  The family brochure says it is a get away cottage.  You will have to check back and see if it is somewhere you would want to spend a weekend vacationing at.

Make sure you visit all the other Show and Tell Friday bloggers and have a great weekend!


  1. The white walls look fabulous! I love your shed and the chandies:) Can't wait to see what you decide about the floors. I think a checkerboard pattern would be beautiful:) Wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ Tina x

  2. ALAINA I am screaming at you...where or where did you find that fabuloso cabinet????Frick I need to take a trip south of the border, lets say near BUFFALO...

    Paint the ceiling dear, come on I dare you.
    I think you should do a stipe floor. Big fat strip, teeny thin stipe, medium strip and so on and so forth.

  3. HHHAHAHA did you see what I wrote??????????????????? A big fat stip???? Come on Alaina, You should do a strip!

  4. Loving it so far! Yep, I reckon you should do the ceilings, and a checker-board pattern on the floor sounds perfect...don't put that brush down just yet!

  5. Just found your blog.via Romantic home. Have enjoyed looking at your cottage pics and lovely garden..snowballs bush. I scrolled on and found your post about your mom..such a great post. I lost my mom 20yrs ago. It is just like yesterday..yes picking up the phone..I did that day she died to talk over what went on..yes recipes. Oh how I miss her. Dad passed away a month after her..such tragedy..but I have survived. I have enjoyed the visit here...sally

  6. it is looking soooooooo beautiful!!!!

  7. You've made great progress! Yes, paint the ceiling. Can't wait to see more!!!

  8. LOL! When you get back from Blossoms or Berries you must paint the ceiling! How's that for a decisive answer!

  9. What about painting inbetween the rafters but leaving the rafters bare or stain that weird? You could even do a thin layer of mud before painting inbetween to where the texture still showed, but it was set apart from the walls. (Ok, but you know...I have no idea what I'm saying right???)

  10. Your shed is darling and I so understand the need for two chandys! Love the white and I think the white on the ceiling would be wonderful! Can't wait to see as you continue progress. What a great place to play.

  11. you have to paint the ceiling it would look so bright and cute with the chandis


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