
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Nets In Hand

Today is all about baseball, frogs and having fun.  After my older son and daughter play baseball in the town park, Mr M. and I are meeting friends at a pond we have in the back of our land to go frog hunting.  This is for FUN only, NO FROGS ARE HURT IN ANY WAY!!!  We have been doing this since my oldest son was able to walk and it is has become a favorite Summer time adventure.  During the summer I bring a magazine, snacks and we make a day of it, with no time pressures.

In the beginning of Summer we try to go back once a week to see if the baby toads have hatched.  The baby toads are usually only a little bigger than a pencil eraser and you have walk stooped over so you can see them.  We bring nets and buckets to fill with their finds.  Catching baby toads is lots of fun, all you hear is "found one" being yelled out all around the pond.  We try to catch as many as we can so we can take them home and set them free in my flower gardens. EAT THE BUGS little ones. 

Last year on a rainy night the kids were in out in our yard with flashlights gathering up as many big toads as they could find.  It was so funny, I have never seen anything like it, they caught 14 toads.  My kids like to build castles in their sand pile for the toads to hop around in.

I am trying to talk Mr. M. into digging a small pond in our back yard.  We have plenty of room for it and then the kids would be able to put the tad poles there instead of a puddle in the driveway.  Poor little things, we have to dump a bucket of water in the puddle every day it does not rain.

After a couple of hours when all the kids have at least one frog to take home and play with and some tad poles to put in the puddles at home we are having hot dogs and hamburgs for dinner, smores and movie night.  Don't you just love this time of the year.

It will be a fun day for sure! 
I try not to think of all the mud and sand, I try to remember there is always a broom on hand.


  1. I wish my kids were small again to do just fun stuff...have a fun day...putting the frogs in puddles made me laugh. Very cute.

  2. How fun is that? My son loves doing things like this.
    I never got time to comment yesterday but I love what you are going to do to that shed! I cannot wait to see the final result. I always wanted a dressed up shed!

    Yes i did live right by you. i grew up in Niagara Falls then 4 yrs ago we built a home in Ridgeway the town of Fort Erie which borders on Buffalo! Now i am on Vancouver Island British Columbia 3,000 miles away from family and friends!
    You have to go to my friends antique barn this summer on hwy 3 towards long beach. Beautiful stuff and cheap and she has lots of American customers!!! I can give you directions if you want.

  3. I wanna come, I wanna come!!! Oh enjoy your day Alaina!
    Thanks for letting us be a part of it, if only in our heads:)

    Ok Mr. M! What's it gonna take to get you to build that bride o' yours a pond???

  4. After Blossom's remark (who knows where I'm easily confused with all of our blogs now!) I was expecting a night time adventure involving spears! There were no frogs on the menu right? It really does sound like a wonderful day.

  5. Oh, it sounds like so much fun. : ) How lucky all of you are to have each other to enjoy! What a wonderful family and what great memories you are making!
    Health, happiness and frogs!

  6. Sometimes it's the smallest things that make the best memories!!

  7. I love your blog! I just found and I will poke around some more! I hope your guest house/shed is coming along nicely!

  8. I cannot believe you did stripes...but i bet it looks incredible, i cannot wait to see it.


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