
Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Christmas Giveaway

Arbor House Lane
 is having it's first giveaway!

My favorite tree in the kitchen.

The other day while I was untangling a mess of Christmas lights my son said "mom why do you do the trees?" I told him that I love every moment of Christmas and all that goes into getting our home ready for the holidays. Every task from untangling lights, putting trees together, lighting Christmas trees, hanging ornaments and decorations around the house, shopping, wrapping, baking and cooking, I enjoy it ALL!
The spirit of Christmas and the feeling of giving to others.
I love it ALL!

I have lots of SPIRIT and I would like to pass some on to you.

For this giveaway I am going to give one winner
one music sheet ornament,
one button ornament,
one music sheet tree
and one 3' button garland. 


Because it is fun to receive a gift that is just for you.  

 I am sharing some of my favorite things with you!

Now here is what you have to do.
For one chance to win, you have to leave a comment guessing how many Christmas trees I put up in my house. 
( I will give you a clue...more than 5 and less than 20.)

For a second chance to win, you have to leave a comment telling me of one of your favorite Holiday traditions.

Finally, a third chance spread the word and post about the giveaway on your blog or put my giveaway button on your blog.

This giveaway will end December 2th, on December 3th I will announce the winner along with pictures of all my Christmas trees.
Happy Holidays!



  1. Love it all!!! Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.
    I am going to guess... 11 trees!
    I can't wait to hear how many you actually put up. If I had the space I would put up several, I love tree decorating!!
    Have fun with your first giveaway.

  2. My favorite Christmas tradition is watching the movie Christmas Vacation every Christmas Eve and making pumpkin chocolate walnut cookies and wonderful little snacks. I look forward to it every year!
    Have a great day.

  3. I am guessing the heavenly number 7!

  4. My family tradition is leaving my main tree up year round....every day is "Christmas" in the Perdue Zoo!


  5. Okay, I just added your fabulous giveaway to my blog sidebar.

  6. My guess would be 15 trees! Great giveaway!


  7. Thank you for this clever and useful kitchen idea.

  8. I believe you put up 12 trees in your home

  9. Our favorite tradition is going to the tree farm, picking the perfect tree. While decorating we listen to classic christmas music and enjoy the memeories of each ornament we place on the tree.

  10. pretty, pretty...I am going to guess 14...we always watch our Christmas movies leading up to the 25th...and I do alot of baking..We are giving special preserves we canned from our fruit trees this year to our we like to take one evening to drive through special neighborhoods to see all the lights.....

  11. La La La La

    I am going to guess 10 (my lucky number)!! I have 3 lit trees with an abundance of bottle brush ones here, there and every where!

    What a pretty giveaway ~ I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!!

  12. I KNOW how many trees you put I am not would be cheating.

    So now I can just sit back and read all the comments!

    Yay for your first give-away thanks for making it fun!

  13. First of all I'm impressed that you put up more than 5 trees!!! I've always dreamed of having 1 in each room and each one decorated in a specific color theme!!! I'm going with the number 10!!!!

  14. Okay I guess 9 trees but I am sure that it will grow as the years progress. :) Love all that you have shown so far so keep showing them as you get them up.

  15. Traditions- hmmm I'd say I love seeing the kids every morning getting excited to open their advent calendar for that day.

  16. Okay and not that I want more people to enter I will post it on the blog..

  17. My guess would be 12 trees! I am impressed that I even get my one tree up so imagine how very impressed I am with you. I Love this giveaway and the music sheet tree and ornaments are fabulous.

  18. My favorite holiday tradition is on Christmas eve. We all sit around the tree drinking hot chocolate and listening to Christmas music. When my son was small he could open one of his gifts that evening. We now carry on this tradition with our grandchildren.

  19. I have the giveaway posted on my sidebar. Love your white Christmas tree.

  20. My guess is 9 trees!

    XOXO Cindy

  21. My favorite Christmas tradition is playing games with the family on Christmas Eve and eating chips and drinking pop, something completely uncharacteristic for us healthy food consumers.
    Hugs, Cindy

  22. WOW! More than 5 trees? It must feel like the North Pole at your home during Christmas! OK...I have no idea so I am going to guess 12. If you really do put up 12 trees you deserve a kiss from Santa. Great give away, Marcia

  23. My Christmas tradition in our home is on Christmas morning we ALWAYS have champagne and oj (mimosas) and linguisa. I have become a vegetarian, so I can honestly say I miss eating the linguisa on Christmas morn. We have done this in my family since I was little and now my children enjoy the same tradition. Marcia

  24. One more please, I have now posted your give away on my side bar. happy holidays!!! Marcia

  25. Ok - I am guessing you put 13 trees up this year. Hope I am close. And if it 13 that is alot! Good for you!

  26. One of my favorite traditions in our family is our family gift exchange. We pass out names early in the year and everyone is always so thoughtful and find a gift fitting just for that person. We have so much fun watching each other not only receive but give their special person their gift! Happy Holidays!

  27. My guess would be 12 (I'm thinking The Twelve Days of Christmas). Looking forward to seeing each and every one no matter the number!

  28. I was going to say #5 because I know thats your #, and mine..... but instead I'll guess 7.... thats a nice # too! I look forward to seeing all your trees!

  29. I'm going to guess 5 trees.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  30. I love the little gifts.My favorite Christmas tradition is family get togethers,if we are lucky enough for snow sledding is great too.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  31. I'll post on my blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  32. Hi. Just found your blog. It is lovely. I have been doing similar paper/button crafts. Would love to win your giveaway! I will guess 9 trees. Look forward to seing them.
    ~ Julie

  33. My parents started a totally different tradition . . . playing bingo for prizes that she enjoys buying for everyone throughout the year. Thanks, again for the lovely giveaway!
    ~ Julie

  34. Posting your giveaway on my side bar!
    ~ Julie

  35. Let's see if I can remember how to do this: I think you put up 7 trees. And my favorite tradition is starting to make handcrafted ornaments the day after Thanksgiving. Since my husband worked Thanksgiving this year, I started that day. I'll put up your giveaway on my sidebar in a minute.

  36. My guess is 8 trees?
    :) am i close:lol:

  37. My fav holiday tradition is reading the 'bible story' to the children on dec 24th xmas eve~the REAL reason for the season ;)

  38. I love to visit your site and see all of your beautiful ideas. I also have a small tree in our daughter's room and she loves the charm and beauty it adds to her room. I will guess that you have 12 trees in your house!

    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. My contact info is bwrawling at

  39. We have many favorite traditions at Christmas. One that our 5 year old especially enjoyed this year was picking out special items to place in a shoebox for another 5 year old through Operation Christmas Child.

    Blessings to you and your family,

  40. I'm going with 11 beautiful trees.

    Thank you for a darling giveaway (and for entering mine),

  41. My favorite tradition is sprinkling some glitter on the fireplace hearth on Christmas Eve. It's my little boy's clue that Santa was here and left his "santa dust" behind. Every Christmas morning for the past 4 years, I've heard him pitter patter down the hall, "Mom! There's Santa dust! He was here! He was here!"

  42. Adding your button to my giveaway post now.

    Thanks again,

  43. OK I'm gonna guess 12 Christmas trees (Wow! That's a lot of trees - but I'm going for it anyway . . .)

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  44. My favorite holiday tradition is Christmas stockings. Even though the kids are grown and have kids of their own - the stockings are still the best part of Christmas!

  45. The only family tradition we have is to drink hot chocolate while watching our favorite Christmas shows after we've put up the tree.

  46. Hi there! I found you via Jami at Freckled Laundry. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway :)
    Ok, so I am gonna get crazy and say 13 trees!
    (even tho some consider it unlucky! The Chinese dont tho ;)

  47. A tradition with my cute lil fam is making fudge. The kids and I have been making it since they were old enough to lick the spoon! I told the kids when they were younger that we have a secret in our recipe that makes it so good (its made with love) My son still brings it up - thats what makes our fudge a slice of heaven :D

  48. I would guess that you have 13 trees in your house?

  49. What a sweet, sweet giveaway!! I am guessing you have 12 trees in your house {wow}.


  50. My favorite Christmas tradition is baking with my daughters. We have been doing it since they were old enough to hold a spoon and we are still doing it {and getting better} now that they are in college! :-)


  51. We have many Christmas traditions with our crazy family. One that has been started just in the past couple of years I enjoy very much. Our youngest sister is single. So we sisters and our children go to her house and help her decorate her chistmas tree and then we watch a Christmas movie together. Fun times together for all.

  52. One Christmas tradition we have is that on Christmas Eve we take the kids out on the lawn and sprinkle "reindeer food" so that Santa's reindeer can find our house!

  53. The GIVEAWAY has ended and any comments after this comment can not be used. Alaina

  54. Love the paper tree in the giveaway! If not too late, please count me in! My favorite holiday tradition was actually for Thanksgiving. I had a BIG extended family on the maternal side and so we would rent a gym and have fun all day--volleyball, trampoline, scooters, socializing, game boards, rollerskating--boy was it a ball with all the cousins on that day!

  55. I would say eight trees. Please count me in if not too late.

  56. Ok.. my # is 12..was my field hockey #for years!
    And might I add what a generous giveaway!?

  57. uumm ..Holiday traditions... well being both my parents are from Europe.. I try to teach my kids the most I can about Poland and Hungary... Christmas Eve is big with the Poles... and each year... along with the odd fish.. I teach the kids how to make home pierogies.. from mixing up your own down.. rolling it out..shaping it.... filling them..and all.... they know pierogie mens "half moon" and at 6 and 11 they can give us all a history lesson on the many other traditions or superstitons they may have.... It is tons of fun.. if not exhausting!!!

  58. ps.. will put your button on side bar!
    Cat AND Cricket


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