
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Teacup Tree

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

I spent Thanksgiving with my family at my father's home and we enjoyed tasty food,
lots of laughs and yummy pie.
  Friday I will be out early bird shopping with my sister while my husband and children sleep in.
I prepared my post early so that I would not miss out joining Debra from Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday, Vintage Christmas.
Also, in keeping with the holiday festiveness I have discoved a new blog called Tinsel and Company and I am joining them for Deck the Halls Friday.

For the past six or so years I have been decorating a special tree in my dinning room and it has become one of my favorite trees in my home.

Yes, you did read TREES.

I decorate this tree using my vintage teacups tied on with white ribbon, white roses, white doves and a mix of large and small white ornaments.

I couldn't forget my little snow girls that hang in my white decorated trees.
  Sometimes I find special ornaments that are added to the tree throughout the Christmas season.

My children love to eat dinner during the month of December by Christmas tree light.

I have had to explain to my children that most homes do not have as many Christmas trees as we do and that their mom is kind of crazy with the trees.  My darling Mr. M. said "no, mom's not crazy, she is just overly festive."  My kids piped in "yeah, mom is the festivist mom ever."

So, to celebrate my festiveness I am going to have a GIVEAWAY. 
 Come back on Saturday for all the details.

Don't forget to stop by Common Ground and Tinsel & Company visit all of the Vintage Friday and Deck the Halls blogs.

VIF In December

I hope you have a wonderful day!


  1. What a great idea, a teacup tree! I have more than one Christmas at home also and I live in a condo!
    Some are small but they're all very festive.

  2. What a lovely idea and way to display such a beautiful collection of Teacups! It has a Victorian essence to the way it looks... LOVE it!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  3. So pretty! Great idea for the dining room. Hope you have the "festivish" holiday season ever!

  4. What a fantastic tree!! So pretty!
    And I am so glad to meet someone else who has "trees". I had 12 last year and I will be up to 14 this year. If it has ornaments or lights on it , it counts in my book. I do have 2 7 ft., 2 6 ft, 2 4 ft, and 2 3 ft. ones along with a variety of others on different sizes and shapes!
    Please stop by and visit me @
    Yep, even a separate Christmas blog too!


  5. The tree is beautiful! I can't wait to see the others, Ms. Festive!

  6. Great tree.
    I have a friend that has some antique teacups for her tree.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Alaina,

    I have more than one tree as well! This is beautiful. How many teacups do you have n your tree? How many do you lose during the season? Looking forward to seeing all your lovely trees.

    Your Friend,

  8. Your teacup tree is beautiful! This is the first year I will have more than one tree. I hope you will join my Holiday Decor linky party that starts on 12/15.
    xo, Sherry

  9. Alaina your teacup tree is beautiful. You are gooood girl. If I get one tree up, I feel good about it. I don't decorate as much as I did when all the children were home. I did get lights hung on the pasture fence, two gazebs and the pergola...and boy I am pooped.LOL!

  10. What a sweet tree, so pretty with the china and lots of whites. You have a very sweet husband and children, gotta love them when they say you're the "festivist mom ever". Very cute.
    Hugs, cindy

  11. I can see why is one of your faves!'s just so sweet and original, great job!!!

  12. What a fun tree and a way to use those teacups!!!

  13. A beautiful teacup tree indeed! We have our outside lights up but I haven't started decorating indoor yet. Hope to start today though. Thanks for sharing!

  14. I've been wondering myself if I should double up on the trees. I like the idea of having a fancy one and one for the kiddos! You have me thinking...

  15. I had no idea other people had done tea cup trees. I came up with the idea about ten years ago. I h not seen one like mine yet. Go to click blog and see my take on the idea. Bill Gantt


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