
Monday, November 15, 2010

A Day of Winning

Ok girls it's a HAPPY DANCE DAY!

I won! 

I just got back from a GREAT!!! day of shopping at my favorite places, Salvation Army and Goodwill. 
 I will show you my treasures in a moment, first I want to say thank you to Mimi from Vanilla Haven.
 You see, the first thing I look at when I open my blog is my new comments because I just love hearing from everyone.  To my surprise Mimi commented that I won her first giveaway; a gift of $35.00 to shop at CSN Stores.
YEAH!!!! This is the first time I have ever won a giveaway.
Thank you so much Mimi it just made my day even better.
 If you have not come across Vanilla Haven yet, then you must go and visit, Mimi has a wonderful blog.

Now for my treasures.

Ignore the tree in the background it jumped into my car when I wasn't looking.
I was going to start my my post with
 "Dear Chairs Anonymous I can explain......well maybe not."

  If you have not read some of my previous posts about my chair problem you can here and here.
 In my defense it is ALL MY SISTER'S FAULT, she is the one who told me that Goodwill has some chairs I may like.  See, now how can I fight that, and I could not split up the twins, aren't they just adorable? 
Now just imagine them with a coat of white paint to cover the blue and some white duck covers to make them even better.
I also picked up some silver ornaments, a cream sweater to make stockings for the fireplace and shirts to make pillow covers.

Did you notice the LAMP!
 Oh my gosh, I was walking out the door of the Salvation Army when I spied the lamp sitting on the donate floor, shoppers are not supposed to shop in the hallway of donates, but I could NOT leave without at least asking. 
YES!  They were in a good mood and priced it for me.
  Skipping all the way to the car, I had tingles I was so excited about the lamp.
 It has the look of  PB or Anthropologie, either way it is mine and I love it.

Today I am making happy trees.

First the trees get put together in the kitchen and then we give them lots of twinkling white lights to make them happy.  They will reside in the dinning room until after Thanksgiving when they will be put into their proper spots and decorated. 
I am going to make you wait and see how MANY I actually put up in my house.  In fact I just thought of a good idea for a giveaway, check back in a couple of weeks and I will give the details.

Today is a beautiful day, so I am hoping I can talk Mr. M. into putting new lights on the outside tree before snow comes and we have to do it in cold weather.

I hope you are having a wonderful day too!


  1. I can hear your heart dancing in your writing and words and you did so well. Will be anxiuos to see your finished products...I love the idea for the socks and all your energy.

  2. Ok I am jealous. Seriously, you win a prize then bring home all those prizes from thrifting? You are an amazing woman at finding bargains. I love your chairs and the lamp- wow. Dang I just threw out a sweater like that because I couldn't think of anything to do with it- a stocking - duh...dumb me.
    You go girl on the trees. Hey I have a prelit one in the back of my car going to be donated to habitat tomorrow- should I just bring it up to you?

  3. How exciting! I adore those chairs. Dare I say that I like them in the current turqoise and upholstery look, but I can see them white with white covers also. And that lamp is so cool.

  4. Looks like you have 800 strands of light on there!Those chairs are to die for and that lamp....whoot whooooooooo.

    Oh by the way...I checked this "other" email account that I never look at and low and behold is a stock pile of emails from you!

    I am so sorry you must think me a snob. For not answering your caring wonderful letters....I think I will have to check there because that seems to be where they end up.

    So sorry, and glad you are on top of the world today.

  5. oh you are so lucky... you have really hit the jackpot today!! The lamp is so wonderful it is hard to find a word good enough! I love the sweater for some chunky monkey stockings and yes.. the chairs are perfect, I even like them the way they are but with some creamy paint and white slips.. well perfection... and a giveaway!!

  6. Boy, your Goodwill is much better than mine! Ours never has things this pretty. The chairs are gorgeous (since that shade of blue is my favorite, I have to say I'm rather partial to the way they are!) and the lamp is gorgeous.


  7. I love your clock by the way... I have a thing for them and thanks for adding me to CC.

  8. Alaina that lamp is the perfect chippy shabby goodness I adore. Way to score!!! You hit the jackpot with all of this.

  9. Awesome!
    Blessings and prayers,

  10. I would be dancing too if I found that gorgeous lamp. PB and Anthro would probably price it in the hundreds!!

    The chairs are so cute and will look great when you finish with them. Can't wait to see.



  11. Love the chairs Alaina and the lamp is great!
    Great finds!!
    Congrats on winning the giveaway that is way too exciting!!
    Happy lights ? I like that...but my son wouldn't go for it lol! I only have one tree right now as we sold the other one when we moved. Might have to go buy one. OH and unfortunately it doesn't really snow here either not like Buffalo and Fort Erie :(
    Can't wait to see how you decorate your trees.
    Pamela xo

  12. Love the lamp, love the lamp, love the lamp!
    And those chairs, oh goodness, I love them just like they are! The stockings are going to turn out SUPER cute! Way to go!

  13. The chairs will be fabulous with slipcovers. I am in love with the lamp and lampshade!! Congrats on winning the gift card.
    Hugs, Sherry

  14. I love all your treasures, so gorgeous:))
    Hugs, Biljana

  15. Alaina!

    That lamp is spectacular. I would have snatched that up in a NY second (much faster than a NY minute!) The matching chairs were a wonderful find as well. Where do you put all these chairs?

    Your Friend,


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