
Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Couch Dilemma

Some of you may remember I had posted last week about getting a new mattress delivered. 
Well, I wish I could say I am sleeping better, I AM NOT, but my husband is.

In fact this new foam mattress is like sleeping on a

So, I told him since I am now SLEEPING on the couch, we need a new couch. 

Off to IKEA we go.

I am not a crazy wife, I can go and buy almost anything without his approval, but a couch is not one of them.
Mr. M. sat, laid, flopped and then made the whole family try out both the regular sized couch and the over sized couch in two different styles.  He is still not convinced that we should get a new couch.
  I am not giving up yet.
  I did manage to leave with a few treasures for our home.

Off to Pottery Barn.

You see, he is feeling guilty that I am sleeping on the couch while he has the WHOLE king size bed, well somewhat guilty, we still have the mattress.  Now, I must tell you that our trip to IKEA took over 2 1/2 hours round trip, we had to go to Canada and back and I have to practically beg, plead and promise anything to get anyone to take me there.  Oh and we took the kids, hahahahahaha, insanity has settled in because Mr. M. did not bat an eyelash when I said lets go to Pottery Barn now and try their couches because they are the only other company that sells slipcovered couches that I like.  Meaning in WHITE of course.  Back in the car for another 45 minutes.  We have already gone to the bathroom no less than 5 times and the kids have had snack, lunch and another snack.


We are now at the Galleria Mall and Mr. M. is trying to find a parking spot at 4:00 on a Saturday, anyone who has shopped there is laughing, kind of like the needle in the hay stack situation.  Finally parked and dragging the kids to the mall.  A smile lights up my face, I see Pottery Barn, oh sigh, I do love the store, even if I only came to LOOK.  All dressed for Thanksgiving and most of the Christmas decorations already displayed.  I try to soak all of the ideas in amongst the pleas of my children that they are hungry, tired, and have to go pee AGAIN.  I made Mr. M. sit on each of the couches.  He says "well of course these feel better than the ones at IKEA, I am exhausted."  Of course I reply "but are they THREE times as better than the IKEA ones?  Because they cost that much more." 
He gave me the look. 
 Time to go home.
I bought some ribbon to decorate for Christmas, gathered a couple of catalogs for the ride and we were on our way home.

So do I make the 6 hour round trip to Pittsburgh and get an Ikea sofa cheaper than the Burlington one or do I stay local, pay three times as much for a Pottery Barn sofa? 
That is the dilemma.  What would you do?


  1. I am in the furniture biz and let me say to you, Do NOT buy IKEA for comfort, quality, or price. You can go to a local furniture store that carries quality brands and get a sofa that rivals/beats PB for much less. I don't know your budget, but if you're really interested and want a little help, let me know and I can give you some ideas... ~ Sue

  2. Well I wouldn't think Ikea has the best quality, for kids bouncing around and getting heavier each year...We had a bed bought there years ago, and it kept falling apart.

    ummm you drove to Burlington Ont.? How close are you to the border?

    We used to pack up the kids like that and do a round trip to Jasper, back down to Calgary and then up to Red Deer...just for the fun. It took 6-8 hrs...but it was so boring we had to do something. I don't think your trip was that outrageous...LOL.

    I have never sat down on a pottery barn couch because we don't have a store here but I would assume it is of better quality.

    Oh, and about that hard foam too us like 2.5 years to "soften" up ours...I sleep on the couch anyhow because his snoring drove me there and now I like it.

  3. Hi,
    What a day you all had!
    My sofa is from Ikea and I love it! It's white of course and the price was fabulous! But, since your going to be spending your nights on the sofa, you need to make sure it's comfy for you. If it happens to be a bit more expensive, well, then it has to be. Get something that your going to love in 1-2 years from now.
    Good luck and I can't wait to see what you get.
    Have a great night.

  4. where ever you go... get rid of the kiddos!!! I have been there... done that and it is impossible to make a decision with all that bickering!!! good luck! :)

  5. I say return that mattress!! My husband and I bought a new king mattress and I could not sleep on it. After the first night my back ached and I tossed and was awful.
    I ended up in the guest room trying to sleep. We returned the mattress to the store because they had a 30 day exchange. We got a plush pillow top with more softness and now I'm sleeping better.
    Sleeping on the sofa is going to be uncomfortable no matter which one you buy. I'm sure you will find a comfortable and pretty one.


  6. I got my white slip covered sofa from Ballard Design catalog. Not cheap but not bad. The quality is fabulous and it is all down filled cushions that make for great sleeping. Did you buy Temperpedic mattress? My hubby is chiropractor and many people make the mistake of buying their cheapest foam mattress only to find out it was harder than their old one. You have to get the Cloud - the expensive one to have the softness your back needs. (Well, they are all expensive...but the more $$ one) Contrary to popular, opinion firm does not equal being good for your back. Ask your local chiropractor! Good a good couch...and your post made me giggle.

  7. I'm with Sissie, RETURN THE MATTRESS, half of it is yours, right? Mattresses are as, if not more than, a good sofa.
    Good luck.

  8. Return that mattress! You deserve a bed to sleep comfortably in. As for the couch, when it comes to sofas, I pay extra for the quality. I don't want my cushions getting all saggy, etc. on me so that's one purchase that I will justify a higher price tag. I've never purchased Ikea or a Pottery Barn upholstered piece (other than a PB padded bench) so I can't tell you which is better. If they are equal in quality, go with Ikea & save the $. Just as long as YOU love it!

    Stopping in to say hello. I thought I read a while back that your weren't blogging anymore. Am I crazy? Saw your comment on another post so I hightailed it over here to say hello! Hope you are well, sweetie! ♥


  9. I would recommend going to
    They make their furniture here in North Carolina and ship anywhere. We ordered two leather sofas from them for under what one would cost at Pottery Barn and they are amazing. They make slipcovered ones too and you can choose your seat padding- from foam to down. They are very reasonable and the shipping was great. Try them out you wont regret it.

  10. I don't even have a couch!!!!!! There is no IKea here on the island have to go to the mainland of Vancouver! To think I used to live only half hour from hoo I miss Ikea and I want that slipcovered couch too!!!
    I agree with everyone...take that mattress back!
    It wasn't a memory foam one was it? We were thinking of purchasing that one.

  11. In a dream world? POTTERY BARN, ALL THE WAY!

    I got an Ikea couch, and it is fine, but I think that a PB one would last 3x as long.

    (ha,ha...I just got the rock)

  12. I'm thinking you should give the memory foam another try! and then of course.... buy a new sofa from PB! You won my giveaway... I'll email you the details tonight! congratulations!


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