
Monday, May 9, 2011

Best Day Ever!

I hope all you mothers and daughters had a wonderful day yesterday.

My husband cooked brunch most of my family and his mother while I helped, followed by Mimosas on the deck.

My sweet daughter.

After the family left we enjoyed the beautiful weather and I had the most wonderful day, full of WEEDING!
Seriously, you know you are a true gardener when you even enjoy the weeding. 
I was able to get most of the flower bed done and now I can plan the new beds and start transplanting.

While I am at work today Mr. M. is at home with the kids and they will be removing part of our picket fence in the back yard and start working on the new fire pit area.  During my lunch break I will be shopping for new plants, bushes and trees. 

Can I tell you how happy I am that Spring is finally here.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day too!


  1. I'm glad that you enjoyed your Mother's Day weeding!!! LOL!

    Adorable photo of you.


  2. Alaina,

    I spent Saturday weeding and preparing the beds! Today I hope to get some plants separated. Best weather to garden -- not too hot and no bugs!
    Glad you spent Mother's Day with those you love doing what you love. Your daughter is adorable.

    Your Friend,

  3. as soon as I saw the word "WEEDING" I immediately wanted to run outside. I can't wait to get to that!

  4. sheesh Alaina, really?
    come on over here, the grass some places is up to my knees...I realized as much as I thought I wished for some property this yard is too big!!!!!!I am glad you like your weeding because it just says you are really proud of all you do.

  5. Sounds like you had the perfect Mothers day!
    And to top it off a beautiful hug from your daughter is a reminder why we do it all :)

  6. You are so right Alaina. We gardeners love to weed! Anything to be in the dirt. It certainly sounds like you guys are getting things done at your homestead. I adore the picture of you and your daughter!


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