
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Roses for My Birthday!

Yep, it's my BIRTHDAY today!

The kids didn't have baseball this morning because of the rain. 
 So, what better to do on my birthday, but to go flower shopping. 
 We found some beautiful pink roses.

This was where the kids sand pile WAS. 
It is going to become a new flower garden and fire pit area. 
By the time I get done with it, this will look very different. 
 I may even try to put a new arbor in this area.  Shhhh..........don't tell Mr. M. yet.
I have to do it in baby steps, first garden, then fire pit, then I ask him to build me the arbor.
Besides, he owes me, he is not here for my birthday.  Bad luck, he was scheduled to work 
 last minute for the weekend.  Now if only I can convince him to get me my Ikea sofa while he is in the area.

Now that spring is officially here, I will have lots of gardening to do.
I have a few dozen or so plants just waiting to be planted.

And just a few more.

Even though it has been raining a bit lately, it is really helping the flowers grow. 
 It also gives me some extra time to finish up some painting projects.

This is my painting project for tonight.
I am going to use some of my chalk paint, white this time, I still have not gotten used to the blue chair yet.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend too.


  1. Gorgeous plants. I am sure it will all look fabulous. Love that mirror, it is wonderful. Hugs, Marty

  2. Happy Birthday!!!! I hope your having a wonderful day. I can't wait to see what you do with the kids old sand pit area!!
    Have a lovely birthday night!

  3. Happy brithday darling........lovely day !!

  4. I love the stone around the flower bed and I love the roses how beautiful! Hope you enjoy!

  5. Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy your day!

  6. Happy Birthday Alaina!!!! Wishing you all the very best!

  7. Alaina,

    Happy Birthday!

    I have spent the last week in the garden! Today it's raining so nothing got done outside. Your roses are beautiful. Peonies are making their appearance!

    Your Friend,

  8. Happy Birthday girl!!!

    I can't wait to see the magic you work with all those plants!!!

  9. Hope you had a great birthday over the weekend! Your flowers are so pretty, and I'm sure your garden area will turn out beautifully. Thanks for your sweet compliment on my blog header. Maybe I'll turn you into a blue fan yet...
    - Susan


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